The Parish Council usually meets on the 2nd Monday of each month at 7.00 p.m. in the Cranwell Village Hall (except during August). Members of the public and the press are always welcome to attend and each meeting has a section of the agenda reserved for members of the Parish to raise and discuss any matters of interest. One or two of our local councillors from North Kesteven District Council are usually present at our meetings for consultation and our local Lincs County Councillor often attends. Please see the Future Parish Council Meeting Dates for dates of meetings; it is occasionally necessary to change the dates if the Village Hall is unavailable.
The Parish Council is organised to have a maximum of NINE Parish Councillors (all unpaid volunteers) and at least three of them are required to be present ("a quorum") in order to make binding decisions. The Council is assisted by the Parish Clerk who is a paid employee of the Parish Council. The Clerk deals with all the day-to-day administration of the Council business and ensures compliance with policies and practices.
The Parish Clerk can be contacted HERE
There are currently three vacancies on the Parish Council. The procedure for the appointment of Parish Councillors is defined by Rule 5 of The Local Elections (Parishes and Communities) (England and Wales) Rules 2006. NKDC will produce a Notice Of Vacancy which will be published on this site and on the village noticeboards. Electors of the Parish will then have a period of 14 days in which at least TEN of them must contact the council to request that an election takes place. If no such request is received within that time then the existing Parish Council can proceed to Co-opt (choose) a new councillor. Adverts will be placed on this site and on the village noticeboards and eligible people will be invited to put themselves forward for consideration.