Community Speed Watch Group
The Parish Council are considering setting up a Community Speed Watch Group for our village. This would be done under the Guidance of the “Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership” and the local police. Full training would be given by those organisations.

However, before this can be contemplated we need enough volunteers to make it happen. This would involve working in a team of three, standing by the roadside to monitor the speed of passing traffic by using a hand-held speed gun (provided). It’s winter now so it will involve being out in cold weather. If we get enough volunteers we would envisage a shift system where teams of 3 operated for 2 or 3 hours at a time maybe once a week.
The police will contact drivers of cars that are reported to be speeding over 34 m.p.h. and there is the possibility of prosecution for regular, repeat offenders.
Can you spare the time to make this valuable contribution to your community ? It’s important that you only volunteer if you are fully committed on a long-term basis to the cause and are genuinely prepared to go out onto the streets to do this. The activity must take place in daylight so you must be available in the daytime on weekdays – and possibly some weekends too. Timings can be arranged to suit people’s needs. Participants must be aged 18 years or over.
We would love you to get involved if you can. Obviously if we don’t get enough volunteers then we won’t set up a Speed Watch group.
If you want to get involved, or you want further information, please send an email to to express your interest or ask a question and we’ll get back in touch with you.
You can view or download a pdf information leaflet by CLICKING HERE.