January 2023 DRAFT Minutes
Cranwell, Brauncewell and Byard’s Leap Parish Council
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Cranwell, Brauncewell and Byard's Leap Parish Council held at Cranwell Village Hall, Old School Lane, Cranwell Village, NG34 8DF on Monday 9th January 2023 at 7:00 pm.
Participating: Chairman: Cllr Mr Michael Cassidy presided over the main meeting.
Councillors: Cllr Mrs M Cassidy, Cllr Mr M Collier, Cllr Mr M Pears (Vice Chairman and Acting Parish Clerk), Cllr Mr D Wilson and Cllr Mr D Graves
Also in attendance: Cllr J Clark and RAF Community Liaison Officer Ian Whitehead. Apologies were received from County Councillor Richard Wright.
Mrs B Pears, Assistant Clerk to the Parish Council
5 members of the public were in attendance.
Public speaking:
Cllr Mr Cassidy thanked the members of the public for attending and asked if they had any questions to put to the meeting. The first question was ‘Do we need another building as we already have the Village Hall?’. Cllr Cassidy responded and spoke about the need to provide facilities for the football and bowls clubs plus a meeting space for smaller groups. The Village Hall is always very busy and a new building will provide extra multi use capacity.
Representatives of the junior football team asked about the group and visiting teams being able to use the toilets in the Village Hall. Cllr Cassidy advised that this is a facility run by the Village Hall Committee and it is not a decision to that the Parish Council can make. Toilets will be provided in the proposed Pavilion and arrangements will be agreed with user groups for the cleaning and care of them.
The Football Club representatives clarified how they use the portacabin for storage etc. They will help to locate the missing tennis equipment that Cllr Cassidy described.
Currently, the Football Club pays £5 per weekend to use the toilets in The Old School, but now that the building is not used and looked after by the Romper Room, they have to provide toilet rolls and do the cleaning themselves. They requested that this is revised. Cllr M Pears suggested discussing this later in the meeting under agenda item 9.
District Councillor Jim Clark outlined the long schedule of budget meetings that he needs to attend at this time of the financial year. There are lots of budget debates in the area to do with expansion of villages and improvements to sewage systems for instance. He mentioned that local business rates were increased by only 3%. He reminded the meeting of the busy week in May for both Council Elections and the Coronation. Finally, in these difficult times, people are in need and he asked that we mention to him privately anyone we know who needs help. Cllr Pears thanked him for attending and for his contribution.
RAF Community Liaison Officer Ian Whitehead asked for the names of the people who will be joining the RAF visit next Monday and Cllr Pears reminded him that it had already been done before Christmas. The plan is to repeat the opportunity every 6 weeks or so for other groups. Requests to him to investigate the different light and lamppost issues are receiving his attention. The one in a dangerous state might be best removed until it can be replaced.
The Vice Chairman declared the ordinary meeting open at 7:30 pm.
1 To receive apologies for absence and reasons given i.a.w. Local Government Act 1972, Sch 12, para 40.
Cllr T Batten and Cllr C Batten were unable to attend, and their reasons were made known to the Council.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve Cllr T Batten and Cllr C Batten’s reasons for absence.
Proposed by Cllr M Collier, seconded by Cllr Mrs M Cassidy and approved unanimously.
Cllr M Alexander did not attend the meeting. No apologies were received.
Cllr Pears pointed out that Standing Orders dictate that the Vice Chairman normally chairs the meeting in the absence of the Parish Council Chairman. However, it is not possible for that person, Cllr M Pears, to both preside over the meeting and to be the Clerk of the meeting. The Standing Orders permit the Vice Chairman to introduce a motion, without prior notice, to appoint someone to preside over the meeting while he, as Vice Chairman, retains overall responsibility for the meeting. The proposal was made for Cllr Michael Cassidy to chair the meeting, as he has done this before.
Proposed by Cllr D Graves, seconded by Cllr Maureen Cassidy and approved unanimously.
2 To receive declarations of interest and to consider applications in relation to Disclosable Pecuniary Interests.
Disclosure of pecuniary and non-pecuniary interests is to be in accordance with the Localism Act 2011. The need for disclosure is to be based upon agenda items, or at any suitable time during a meeting when it becomes apparent to a Member.
Cllr Mr M Cassidy, Cllr Mrs M Cassidy and Cllr M Pears declared an interest in minute ref: 212(b) page 76-2023 as they are payment recipients for expenses.
3 Notes of the ordinary meeting held on Monday 12th December 2022 of Cranwell, Brauncewell and Byard's Leap Parish Council to be approved as Minutes.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the ordinary meeting held on Monday 12th December 2022 of Cranwell, Brauncewell and Byard's Leap Parish Council, as Minutes.
Proposed by Cllr M Collier, seconded by Cllr D Wilson and approved unanimously.
4 To accept the approved minutes of the last meeting of the Building and Projects Standing Committee held on 12th December 2022.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to accept the approved minutes of the Building and Projects Standing Committee held on Monday 12th December 2022 of Cranwell, Brauncewell and Byard's Leap Parish Council, as Minutes.
Proposed by Cllr Maureen Cassidy, seconded by Cllr M Collier and approved unanimously.
5. Financial Matters
a. Approve the payments made since the last meeting.
Water - Playing Field Acc |
Anglian Water / Wave |
DD |
£8.00 |
Adobe AcroPro |
Adobe |
Deb |
£15.17 |
Clerk's Salary |
Brenda Pears |
EB-0867 |
£667.12 |
Clerk's Salary |
Kirsty Elson |
EB-0868 |
£828.07 |
CCTV Cables |
Screwfix Direct Ltd (for CCTV) |
Deb |
£53.96 |
CCTV Cables |
Screwfix Direct Ltd (for CCTV) |
Deb |
£4.50 |
CCTV Cables |
Screwfix Direct Ltd (for CCTV) |
Deb |
£82.61 |
Email database |
The Rocket Science Gp (Mailchimp) |
Deb |
£16.80 |
Total : |
1676.23 |
Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the payments made since the last meeting.
Proposed by Cllr D Wilson, seconded by Cllr M Collier and approved unanimously.
EB-0872 |
Printer paper |
Viking |
33.28 |
EB-0866 |
Clerk Expenses |
Brenda Pears |
35.00 |
EB-0869 |
Accompanied Playground Inspection |
Wicksteed Leisure Ltd |
72.00 |
EB-0870 |
Councillors Expenses |
Michael Cassidy |
26.05 |
EB-0871 |
Councillors Expenses |
Mike Pears |
3.15 |
EB-0871 |
Councillors Expenses |
Mike Pears |
5.98 |
Total : |
175.46 |
Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the payments of invoices etc. as listed on the Payments to be Authorised sheet.
Proposed by Cllr M Collier, seconded by Cllr D Graves and approved by a vote of 3 for and 3 abstentions.
c. Approve the bank reconciliation from the previous month.
Lloyds Current Account- £66,698.72
HSBC Pavilion Account - £20,208.13
Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the bank reconciliation from the previous month.
Proposed by Cllr D Wilson, seconded by Cllr M Collier and approved unanimously.
d. Consider the presentation of the final budget and precept request for 2023/24 for final approval.
The precept has been raised by 3.42% which represents an extra £2.17 per household for the year. Reviewing other Parishes of comparable size, Cranwell, Brauncewell and Byard's Leap Parish Council receives £9,000 per year less than the average. The budget has allowed for increases in costs that are likely to be quoted by the grass cutting services, cleaning contractors and other services. Quotations are still coming in and different suppliers are being compared.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to accept the final budget and submit the Precept request to NKDC.
Proposed by Cllr D Graves, seconded by Cllr D Wilson and approved unanimously.
e. To consider further suggestions for spending the C.I.L money of £2,552.
Cllr Wilson suggested that a broadcasting or public address system might be purchased. Discussion in the meeting questioned how often it would be used and, for the few occasions it might be useful, equipment could be hired. The money can be put towards buying something that benefits the community but it does not necessarily have to be the full cost of something.
Action: more thought to be given to options.
f. To consider the letter from St Andrews Churchwarden requesting funding towards maintaining the churchyard.
The Parish Clerk confirmed to the meeting that the Parish Council is not allowed to give money to the Church. Cllr Michael Cassidy said that the War Graves Commission do a brilliant job maintaining part of the churchyard but regrettably ‘our hands are tied by PC regulations’ when it comes to donating funds. The Clerk should write a reply to the church warden.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to decline the request for funds and the Clerk will reply to the church warden with an explanation.
Proposed by Cllr M Collier, seconded by Cllr D Graves and approved unanimously.
g. To consider what happens to the remaining £128 allocated to the ‘Community Events Committee’ for the Christmas event.
£200 was offered to the Committee for their use, but only £72 + v.a.t was spent. As the money was allocated for a specific event it was agreed that it would be appropriate to return the balance to the Parish funds, while encouraging the CEC to request donations for other events they might put on, such as the Summer Fair that they are planning and other events for the new choir.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to return the balance of £128 to Unreserved Funds.
Proposed by Cllr M Collier, seconded by Cllr D Wilson and approved unanimously.
h. To discuss whether to proceed with re-lining the tennis courts and adding lines for netball.
The best quote received for this work is £810 + vat. This is not a job that can be done until the weather is better, but the order should be placed to ensure it is on the contractors schedule. Netball groups have asked for this facility and it is an economical option to paint these lines at the same time as the tennis lines are refreshed.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to place the order at the amount quoted, Clerk to action.
Proposed by Cllr D Wilson, seconded by Cllr D Graves and approved unanimously.
i.To discuss the letter from HSBC regarding closing of the Pavilion account.
HSBC have declared that, as there is no activity on this account, they will close it. The Parish Council have been struggling to get new signatories assigned to the account but despite all efforts over 6 months HSBC have not resolved this. Without new signatories the account cannot be un-frozen. They are also trying to treat this as a Business Account which is incorrect. Cllr Pears suggested that the account be transferred to an interest-paying savings account at Lloyds where the current account is held. As this is a significant decision concerning finances, the meeting felt that the Chairman should be involved.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to defer the matter until the next meeting when Cllr T Batten will be present. Proposed by Cllr M Pears, seconded by Cllr M Collier and approved unanimously.
6 Planning Applications.
22/1628/FUL 12th December 2022 – Demolition of 2 storey garage/workshop and erection of single storey dwelling with integral garage – land to the rear of 20 Willow Lane, Cranwell, NG34 8DQ
No queries raised nor comments made. No objections.
To receive a report from the Acting Parish Clerk on matters pertaining to the Parish Council.
1. Cranwell JFC – use of electricity in portacabins – email sent on to 3 of the committee on 21st December as requested by the Council – told to cease catering activities and asked to provide answers to various questions.
2. Cranwell JFC – missing tennis equipment – Refer to Cllr Michael Cassidy.
3. PRECEPT SETTING – the average Precept in NKDC for an area of our size was £61,000 for this financial year – so we are £9,000 lower than the average.
4. Update on Contract renewals – invitation to tender has been sent out to 3 companies for the main grass & hedge cutting contract AND to 3 companies for the Groundsman Contract. Indications are that they will all be quoting. The deadline is 20th January 2023 with the intention that we make a decision at the February meeting.
One quote received for Groundsman (not existing one) – promising – only 3% higher than the current year’s price.
One quote received for Grass Cutting – 14 % more than last year but total is £1600 less than our budget for 2023-24.
5. CCTV signs needed – plastic with pre-drilled holes. (Amazon) A4 - £3.99 each A5 – 2.19each. Suggestion is 6x A4 signs on front Village Hall, front Social Club, side Village Hall (Garden of Remembrance), Portacabin (later moved to new building), Tennis Courts, Children’s Playground.
7 To receive an update on progress after the repairs to the SIDS (Speed Indicator Devices)
Cllr M Pears confirmed that both are back and working. The battery needs to be changed in one, fuses changed in the other. Cllr Pears and Cllr Graves will deal with this. Each unit has 2 batteries available so that while one is installed the other is on charge. Cllr Pears reported that the Council now has over 590,000 pieces of traffic data from these units, confirming that the speeding problem needs addressing. NOTE; 444 vehicles have been recorded travelling through the village at more than 70mph. Cllr Richard Wright (Lincs C.C.) has advised that if/when we have good data he will pursue further action from the police as data is required to advise the police and for them to be more involved. Also, a Speedwatch group can pass details to obtain further police action. Cllr Pears reported that he had written to Cllr Wright reminding him of the availability of this data and requesting further help from him.
8 To consider further the Junior Football Club’s use of the Portacabin and have an update on the action agreed at the last meeting, plus equipment storage and use of garages
The Parish Council expressed concern at the last meeting about the cooking in the portacabin and the sale of food and wrote to the Football Club accordingly. Advice has been obtained from NKDC and everyone felt that permission would not be granted for this. Certificated food hygiene standards are necessary.
Cllr Graves queried whether they might be able to use a BBQ outside. The Parish Council will ask the Football Club what they want to do with regard to providing food and drink and to ask for that to be done in writing for full consideration by the council.
CJFC had pointed out that if they were being charged to use the toilets then it should be incumbent upon the Parish Council to provide supplies and clean the areas as part of that “rent”. The Council felt this does need revision and decided that consideration be given to refunding some of their advance payments already made. It was suggested that CJFC be allowed to use the toilets free of charge from this date and in return they would supply the toilets and keep the areas clean.
Also, Cllr Pears reminded the FC that consideration will certainly be given to any request from them for a grant from the Parish Council.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to cease charging CJFC for using the toilets in return for them maintaining the area themselves. A refund of monies already paid from today until the end of this season would be discussed in the future.
Proposed by Cllr M Collier, seconded by Cllr D Wilson and approved unanimously.
9 To receive an update on the progress with the Community Pavilion project.
At the Building and Projects meeting, just before this ordinary meeting, the Committee resolved to await the quotation from the company preparing those figures, Global Methods of Construction group, delayed due to illness. They will be given another month to present them and if this is not done, alternative solutions will be sought.
10 To receive an update on any developments with the future use of The Old School.
The Clerk has been back in touch with the previous applicants and none wishes to take their enquiry further.
Action: Clerk to look at promoting the availability of this facility in other places both online and in local places.
11 To receive a report on the current situation with the training for the Speedwatch Group.
Cllr D Graves has tried to organise this without success, due to no response from the person responsible at NKDC. However, he is in contact with the local police and has been advised that he can organise training through them in Lincoln. He has received positive responses from 5 of the initial group of 11 who wished to participate.
12 To discuss the Bowls Club lease
The Bowls Club pays the Parish Council a peppercorn rent. The most recent lease found to verify this also states arrangements that conflict with the current situation regarding who is responsible for what parts of maintenance. Cllr D Wilson will enquire further about whether the Bowls Club have written details of the current lease arrangements.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to defer discussion about the Bowls Club lease until the next meeting.
Proposed by Cllr Maureen Cassidy, seconded by Cllr M Collier and approved unanimously.
13 a. To receive an update on the installation of the new CCTV equipment and consider the adoption of a ‘Surveillance Camera Policy’ – document and warning signs.
Cllr D Graves reported that there are still 2 cameras to be put up but the work is almost ready for inspection. A certified electrician has been organised to review the work and to give the Council a certificate. Meeting Chairman Cllr Michael Cassidy said how pleased he was with the job Cllrs Batten and Graves had done especially when it was so wet and cold. They have saved the Parish Council so much money and he thanked them for their time and effort.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to thank Cllr T Batten and Cllr D Graves officially for their hard work.
Proposed by Cllr Maureen Cassidy, seconded by Cllr M Pears and approved unanimously.
b. Also, the Council needs to adopt a Surveillance Camera Policy to comply with Data Protection.
Signs need to be put up near the cameras to ensure the public is aware that they are in operation, including near the play area if that is possible. 6 signs, A4 size will cost £24+vat.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the purchase of the 6 signs and for Cllr Pears to further research the form of an appropriate Policy Document ready for the next meeting.
Proposed by Cllr D Graves, seconded by Cllr M Collier and approved unanimously.
14 To consider the idea to set up a Coronation Garden, designed by the school children, for the village green with a prize for the best design.
Cllr Graves suggested that a bank of ground at the back of the Green, near the gate to the churchyard, could be considered for a Coronation Garden. The meeting felt it is a good suggestion to involve the children in something to mark the occasion. However, Cllr Michael Cassidy pointed out that our experience with volunteers for maintaining projects like this is disappointing. The suggested spot is quite a distance from the water source in the churchyard too. More discussion is needed and Cllr Graves will investigate the type of drought tolerant, low maintenance plants that might be suitable. The Clerk will contact the school to see if they are interested in getting involved.
The Coronation Oak is on order ready for planting between the Jubilee Oak and the roadside footpath on Willow Lane.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve investigations into developing a Coronation Garden
Proposed by Cllr D Wilson, seconded by Cllr M Collier and approved unanimously.
15 To consider the idea of gifting Coronation mugs to school children in our parish.
The discussion on this topic covered how to do this, what the criteria would be, how to let people know this would be offered, would it be a duplicated effort and what would be the cost. The meeting felt that more information is required but it is something they might like to do.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to ask the Clerk to find out more about the options and to defer a decision until the next meeting.
Proposed by Cllr Maureen Cassidy, seconded by Cllr M Collier and approved unanimously.
16 To allocate areas of responsibility to Councillors.
Cllr T Batten was unable to attend this meeting and as he requested this agenda item it was felt this item should be deferred to the next meeting for him to be involved.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to defer discussion about areas of responsibility until the next meeting. Proposed by Cllr Maureen Cassidy, seconded by Cllr M Pears and approved unanimously.
17 Receive reports from Councillors on their Areas of Responsibility.
Cllr M Collier – lighting reports ongoing, also reported potholes behind the Community Store.
Cllr D Wilson – 2 large potholes that were reported near the junction to A15 have been filled in plus 2 others further up the road. Also, he has been advised the reason for the delay in fixing streetlights on Sleaford Road is due to their age. New parts have to be actually made which may take a long time.
Cllr Michael Cassidy
The B6403 coming from Ancaster prior to the Caythorpe turn off has numerous potholes.
These are in fact the top layer of the road, which is missing, leaving the underlayer exposed.
Unfortunately, they are not considered "potholes " not being deep enough (yet ! )
The Island at the B6403/A17 junction has the bollard in the direction of Newark very faintly lit.
The A17/B1429 bollard ( destroyed ) which has a repair agreed still not repaired.
All streetlights working .
The mystery of the OASC streetlights and layby ownership still awaits a response from R A F /LCC
The mystery of missing tennis net posts ( 1 or possibly 2 ) and a slightly used net remains.
The padlocked half garage contains the line marking kit for the CJFC.
Access to the full-sized garage still awaits the mystery of who has the key to the Parish Council owned garage.
PLAY AREA - there will be a need for a new flat seat and potentially footrest covers for the springers in the next few months. This has been allowed for in the 2023-24 budget .
The annual report by the inspector raised again the missing bolt covers/caps on the Rider etc
I have been trying to get these for some years (yes years ) as they are not spares, it’s like asking a car manufacturer for caps for the tyre valves .
However, I think I may have found a source, probably free of charge. TBC
There is no power to the light at the Village Hall DEFIB, need to get electrician to sort, one had a look in December without sorting problem.
The heater in the Brauncewell DEFIB was not working when the temp outside was 9c
It’s not possible to check as a layman if the power is at the DEFIB or if the heater is faulty.
Power supplied by Dyson farming who installed the unit for the P C.
Possibly need to ask Dyson if they could check the supply to the unit is live .
DEFIB Byards Leap
The unit is working fine however there is a motor bike parked across the unit making access somewhat difficult. A cable runs from the bike into the adjacent window.
The lights which the B & B used to leave on all night and illuminate the DEFIB are no longer on, not surprisingly. As the B & B supplies the power and it’s the B & B wall it’s fixed to, this is a delicate issue. It does look as if the bike could be moved laterally a few feet without blocking any entrances etc. Christmas Lights removed and stored at my home.
Cllr M Pears thanked Cllr Cassidy for stepping in to chair the meeting. Also, the public were thanked for their attendance right to the end.
19 Meeting dates.
Confirm the date of the next meeting.
The next meeting was confirmed, being Monday 13th February 2023 in Cranwell Village Hall, starting at 7:00 pm.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.15pm.