News from Dyson Farming about footpath closures

Please see below the contents of an email recently received from Dyson Farming about closures of permissive footpaths :-

                I am writing to inform you of our decision to reopen the afore mentioned permissive footpath as of today (6/12/2023.)

                Despite the closure, we did still experience sheep worrying from dogs that were let off the lead and allowed to chase our sheep on the weekend of the 25th and 26th of November.

                Because of this we will have to continue to make temporary closures to the permissive footpath in order to protect our livestock and their young. 

Please show respect to the farmers and their livestock when crossing over their land.  If a footpath is "permissive" you are only being allowed to cross the farmers land because they are allowing you to do so - they can close them any time that they wish to do so.  Dyson Farming always do their best to maintain good relationships with our villages and try to keep their footpaths open as much as possible but it is sometimes necessary to close them to protect their livestock at vulnerable times. 

If people do not respect the farmers rules and requests it is highly likely that they will be closed more often - and thats a shame ! 

Published: Thursday, 7th December 2023