May 2022 Agenda Annual Parish Council Meeting
Notice of an ordinary meeting of Cranwell, Brauncewell & Byard's Leap Parish Council
Dear Sir/Madam,
I hereby give you notice that the next ordinary meeting for Cranwell, Brauncewell and Byard's Leap will be held on Monday 9th May 2022, at Cranwell Village Hall, Old School Lane, Cranwell Village, NG34 8DF starting at 7:00pm.
Members of the press and public are welcome to attend.
All members of the Parish Council are summoned to attend for the purpose of considering and resolving upon the business to be transacted at the meeting, as set out hereunder.
Signed: K A Elson, Clerk to the Parish Council Dated: 3rd May 2022
At 7.00pm there will be a public forum, when members of the public may ask questions or make short statements to the Council. All Parish Councillors are to attend at this time.
County Councillor and District Councillors reports will be received, prior to the start of the meeting.
1 .Election of a Chairman – Signing of Declaration of acceptance of office.
2. To receive apologies for absence and reasons given i.a.w. Local Government Act 1972, Sch 12, para 40.
3. To receive declarations of interest and to consider applications in relation to Disclosable Pecuniary Interests.
Disclosure of pecuniary and non-pecuniary interests is to be in accordance with the Localism Act 2011. The need for disclosure is to be based upon agenda items, or at any suitable time during a meeting when it becomes apparent to a Member.
4. Election of a Vice-Chairman.
5. Notes of the ordinary meeting of the Parish Council held on Friday 22nd April 2022 to be approved as Minutes.
6. To receive the minutes of the last meeting of the Pavilion Committee.
7. To consider any recommendations made by the Pavilion Committee.
8. To review the delegation arrangements to committees, sub-committees, staff and other local authorities.
9. To review the terms of reference for the Pavilion Committee.
10. To review the appointment of members to existing committees:
a. Review the members of the Pavilion Committee.
b. Appoint at Chairman and vice-chairman of the Pavilion Committee.
11. To consider appointing any new committees in accordance with standing order 4.
12. Re-Adoption of documents: Standing Orders, Advertising Guidance Policy, Annual Investment Strategy, Bullying-Harassment Policy, Code of Conduct, Communications policy, Freedom of Information Publication Scheme, Grant and Donations Policy, Social Media Policy, Data Protection Policy. (Financial Regulations and co-option policy will be reviewed and considered for adoption in the June ordinary meeting of the Parish Council.)
13. To review arrangements with other local authorities and review contributions made to expenditure incurred by other local authorities.
14. To review the inventory of land and assets including buildings and office equipment. (Asset Register)
15. Confirmation of arrangements for insurance cover in respect of all insured risks.
16. Determine the time and place of ordinary meetings of the full council up to and including the next annual meeting of full council.
17. Financial Matters:
a. Approve the payments made since the March and April meetings.
b. Approve the payment of invoices etc. as listed on the Payments to be Authorised sheet.
c. Approve the bank reconciliation from March and April.
d. To consider signing up to an accounts package and if agreed decide which accounts. package to sign up to: Scribe, Realtus or Edge.
18. Receive a report from the Clerk on matters pertaining to the Parish Council.
19. Planning Applications.
a. 22/0534/VARCON – Land at Old School Lane, Cranwell, Sleaford, Lincolnshire, NG34 8DF. Application to vary condition 4 (approved plans) attached to planning permission 21/0817/FUL-Removal of portable buildings and erection of a community pavilion. (Parish Council’s Application therefore cannot comment, listed here for public information.) Comments by May 20th 2022.
b. 22/0608/HOUS – Single storey front extension - 41 Edmunds Road, Cranwell, Sleaford, Lincolnshire, NG34 8EL. Comments by 22nd May 2022.
Applications determined.
22/0176/HOUS – Erection of single storey log cabin for home office/music room – 11 Westside Road, Cranwell, Sleaford. Planning application approved.
20. To consider placing a floodlight on the village green.
If it is resolved to place a floodlight on the village green:
a. To consider increasing the budget for this project by £300 to a total of £1000.
b. To consider the quotes for the pole and light fitting from Wydales, LED Store, CR Lighting and Mallatite.
c. To consider the costs of the preparatory work, electrician costs and installation of the village green floodlight.
21. To agree to the application to the secretary of state, by way of the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government, for approval to borrow £100,000 from the PWLB.
a. To present to full council a comprehensive breakdown of the proposed works and estimated costs for the pavilion project. (Architects plans will be available for the public to view)
b. To revise the financial planning to fund the £100,000 loan.
c. To consider the steps/options the council has to mitigate the risk for not being able to afford the loan repayments.
22. To consider naming the new road on the new development near Willow Lane.
23. To consider whether the parish council wishes to provide any feedback to the NKDC public consultation on the interim Polling Place Review 2022.
Public consultation open from Tuesday 3rd May 2022 and closes on Monday 6th June 2022.
24. Receive reports from Councillors on their Areas of Responsibility.
25. Confirm the date of the next meeting.
26. To resolve to go into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, as amended by Section 100 of the Local Government Act 1972, to discuss the following matters;
a. Consider the co-option application (if received) to fill the current Council vacancies.