September 2023 Minutes
Cranwell, Brauncewell and Byard’s Leap Parish Council
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Cranwell, Brauncewell and Byard's Leap Parish Council held at Cranwell Village Hall, Old School Lane, Cranwell Village, NG34 8DF on Monday 11th September 2023 at 7:00 pm.
Participating: Chair: Cllr Mr T R Batten
Councillors: Cllr Mrs M Cassidy, Cllr Mr M A Cassidy, Cllr Mr M Pears ( Acting Parish Clerk), Cllr Mr D Wilson, Cllr Mrs C Batten and Cllr Mrs J Wilson.
Also in attendance: D/Cllr A Hagues
Mrs B Pears, Assistant Clerk to the Parish Council
5 members of the public were in attendance.
Public speaking:
Cllr T Batten thanked the public for coming and invited their questions or comments. No one wanted to speak to the meeting.
The Chair declared the ordinary meeting open at 7:01 pm.
164 To receive apologies for absence and reasons given i.a.w. Local Government Act 1972, Sch 12, para 40.
Cllr M Collier and Cllr D Graves were unable to attend, and their reasons were made known to the Council.
ACTION: The Council RESOLVED to approve Cllr M Collier and Cllr D Graves’s reasons for absence.
Proposed by Cllr T Batten, seconded by Cllr Michael Cassidy and approved by a vote of 6 for and one abstention.
165 To receive declarations of interest and to consider applications in relation to Disclosable Pecuniary Interests.
Cllr M Pears reaffirmed his intention not to vote at all. He feels his role of Acting Clerk should take precedence.
Disclosure of pecuniary and non-pecuniary interests is to be in accordance with the Localism Act 2011. The need for disclosure is to be based upon agenda items, or at any suitable time during a meeting when it becomes apparent to a Member.
Cllr Mr M Cassidy, Cllr Mrs M Cassidy and Cllr M Pears declared an interest in minute ref: 167b. page 58-2023 as they are a payment recipient.
166 Notes of the ordinary meeting held on Monday 10th July 2023 of Cranwell, Brauncewell and Byard's Leap Parish Council to be approved as Minutes.
ACTION: The Council RESOLVED to approve the notes of the ordinary meeting held on Monday 10th July 2023 of Cranwell, Brauncewell and Byard's Leap Parish Council, as Minutes, and also the notes of the Closed Session as Minutes.
Proposed by Cllr D Wilson, seconded by Cllr Maureen Cassidy and approved by a vote of 6 for with one abstention.
167 Financial Matters
a. Approve the payments made since the last meeting.
The Acting Clerk referred to invoices etc. on the Scribe accounting System being available to all Councillors for their scrutiny prior to the meeting.
ACTION: The Council RESOLVED to approve the payments made since the last meeting.
Proposed by Cllr T Batten, seconded by Cllr Michael Cassidy and approved by a vote of 6 for with one abstention.
ACTION: The Council RESOLVED to approve the payments made since the last meeting.
Proposed by Cllr T Batten, seconded by Cllr Michael Cassidy and approved by a vote of 6 for with one abstention
b. Approve the payment of invoices etc. as listed on the Payments to be Authorised sheet.
ACTION: The Council RESOLVED to approve the payments of invoices etc. as listed on the Payments to be Authorised sheet.
Proposed by Cllr D Wilson, seconded by Cllr C Batten and approved by a vote of 4 for with 3 abstentions.
c. Approve the bank reconciliation from the previous month.
Balance in Lloyds Current Account - £77,070.31
The reconciliation shows that the current account now includes Pavilion funds moved from the separate HSBC account. This balance will be boosted by the next tranche of precept money on 1st October 2023.
ACTION: The Council RESOLVED to approve the bank reconciliation from the previous month.
Proposed by Cllr D Wilson, seconded by Cllr J Wilson and approved by a vote of 6 for with one abstention.
d. To report and confirm the final approval of the AGAR by the External Auditor and confirmation of Public Rights.
The Acting Clerk confirmed that the Agar (Annual Financial Return) had been accepted with no alterations and nothing being noted as needing the Council’s attention. The Certificate of authorisation has been received. Public access to view remains available until 21st September 2023.
Cllr T Batten thanked Cllr Mike Pears for all the work he has done to achieve this.
e. To resolve to move £1,311.00 from general fund to SID Reserve to cover cost of recently acquired new SID.
A new Speed Indicator Device was purchased, with full approval, to avoid a upcoming price rise. This leaves a minus figure in the SIDS Reserve budget. Approval is needed to cover off that that minus figure by transferring money from other reserves.
ACTION: The Council RESOLVED to approve the transfer of £1,311.00 to cover off this purchase.
Proposed by Cllr T Batten, seconded by Cllr Michael Cassidy and approved by a vote of 6 for with one abstention.
f. To consider quotes for the refurbishment of up to 86 feet of “wet pour” edging at the Children’s Playground that could constitute a trip hazard. Soft Surfaces Ltd quote - £2,304 + v.a.t.
This hazard presented by the surface shrinkage in the children’s playground was mentioned in the recent Wicksteed inspection report as something that needs to watched. Cllr Michael Cassidy pointed out that, if not addressed now, it will get worse and repairs will cost more. It needs to be done professionally. Quotes had been requested from various sources but only one had been received.
ACTION: The Council RESOLVED to approve the spend of up to £3,000 to resurface this area – quotes and a contractor to be sought.
Proposed by Cllr Michael Cassidy, seconded by Cllr C Batten and approved by a vote of 6 for with one abstention.
g. To decide on where to place an order for a previously approved P.A. system.
The P.A. system has already been agreed for a budget of £600. Details have now been provided of a suitable item at a cost under that figure. Approval is required to place the order in accordance with those details.
ACTION: The Council RESOLVED to approve the placing of the order as described.
Proposed by Cllr T Batten, seconded by Cllr Maureen Cassidy and approved by a vote of 6 for with one abstention.
h. To decide where to place an order for the new, previously approved, projector.
Cllr T batten is familiar with the technology involved for a projection system and he recommends an up to date, versatile unit. (Details were provided to the Councillors. A large screen can double as a projector and touch screen. Presentations can be made by linking to computers or for ‘whiteboard’ demonstration as well to have streamed material. The unit costs approximately £400 more than a suitable projector and Cllr T.Batten recommended this to the Council as being more flexible for the future.
ACTION: The Council RESOLVED to approve the placing of the order up to the value of £1,300.
Proposed by Cllr T Batten, seconded by Cllr D Wilson and approved by a vote of 6 for with one abstention.
i.To approve an arrangement for part one of the Internal Audit to be conducted in December, not September as previously indicated.
LALC recommend the internal audit be done in September and March. Cllr Pears suggested that, as the Council will have a new Clerk starting in October, it would be better to arrange the first audit for December.
ACTION: The Council RESOLVED to approve the first audit date for December 2023.
Proposed by Cllr J Wilson, seconded by Cllr Michael Cassidy and approved by a vote of 6 for with one abstention.
j. To consider the purchase of equipment, office furniture and tables/chairs for the meeting room in the Old School and establish a budget.
Cllr Michael Cassidy advised that he had researched office and meeting furniture for The Old School and had arrived at a figure of approximately £1,800, buying new. The work on the refurbishment hasn’t been finished so the decision on most of these purchases was deferred to the next meeting – it was agreed to purchase furniture for the new office immediately (desk and chairs, printer, shredder, possible laptop) – this to be agreed with the new Clerk.
k. To consider any recommendations from the recent Wicksteed Playground Safety Report.
Covered in item 4 f. Nothing listed as essential to be done now.
l. To consider quotes obtained for refurbishment of HAGS unit in the Children’s Playground – A quote for £100 + materials has been received.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve spend up to £150 for the HAGS work needed.
Proposed by Cllr T Batten, seconded by Cllr Michael Cassidy and approved by a vote of 6 for with one abstention.
m. To agree to purchase a wreath (donation to British Legion) for Remembrance Day - £50.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve spending up to £50 with the British Legion for their Remembrance Day Wreath.
Proposed by Cllr T Batten, seconded by Cllr Michael Cassidy and approved by a vote of 6 for with one abstention.
168 Planning Applications.
a. 23/0745/FUL – 3rd August 2023 – demolition of existing garage and erection of new single storey dwelling – land to the rear of 20 Willow Lane, Cranwell NG34 8DQ.
There were no comments on this in the meeting.
b. Erection of Vodafone 5G mast within the RAF camp.
There were no comments on this in the meeting.
169 To provide an update on the application for a grant to obtain a free Monkey Challenge Wall for the Children’s Playground. To agree how to proceed with this project.
Cranwell, Brauncewell and Byard's Leap Parish Council have received a grant of £6,150 from the Lottery Community Fund for a 10-metre-long, double-sided Monkey Challenge Wall. In accordance with the suppliers’ recommendations, the equipment will be located in the children’s play area and installed at the end of September. No special surface is required.
Cllr Michael Cassidy expressed his thanks to the Acting Clerk for all his efforts to achieve this grant.
170 To receive a report from the Acting Parish Clerk on matters pertaining to the Parish Council.
1. INVESTMENT RESEARCH. The Clerk was asked to look at Investment accounts. However – problems with “two signature access” and instant access make this difficult.
“CCLA” are popular with P.C.s. They offer 4.74% on “instant access” saving account that is aimed at short (one year) investment terms. Our current Lloyds Business Banking Savings account pays 1.1% (calculated monthly). It was decided for the moment to leave things as they are due to the unknown spending amounts that might be needed at short notice.
2. I am very happy with Steve Riley as the new Groundsman. He’s very co-operative and very efficient. Also, very willing to take on “extra” jobs (hedge cutting, and joinery jobs).
3. Wicksteed Playground Inspections set for Sept, Jan, April (annual) and August 2024. Latest was done on 31st August.
4. Junior Football Club told us they were not using our toilets, at the moment. They are using the V.H. ones on a trial basis – they were needing access to a disabled toilet ! Have told them of our plans and requested the key back. It now seems that they are still using ours as a tap was left running and a light was left on.
5. At the last meeting the question was asked about whether the Bowls Club had a valid Electricity safety Certificate.
Cllr Don Wilson advised that they do not and Cllr Michael Cassidy suggested this be a task added to the next round of jobs the electrician is engaged to carry out. Agreed.
6. A manhole cover at start of Old School Lane (junc with North Road) is collapsing. It was reported on FixMyStreet and repaired within a week. I was told that the sub-contractor is fined if work is not done quickly.
7. Beavers have requested use of the council’s litter picking equipment next week (they did litter picking 2 years ago).
8. Complaints have been received about the hazardous congestion of cars parked near the school, on both sides of the road, at drop off and pick up times. This is not something that the Parish Council has a responsibility for but will endeavour to help by contacting L.C.C. Highways.
ACTION: the council RESOLVED to write to LCC Highways requesting assistance to remedy this problem.
Proposed by Cllr T Batten, seconded by Cllr D Wilson and approved by a vote of 6 for with one abstention.
171 To receive an update on progress with the refurbishment work on the Old School building – discuss next steps and proposed budget. Also discuss possible H&S issue with gable end window frame.
Councillors - Cllr Michael Cassidy and Cllr Pears - have done a lot of work in The Old School recently. An office has been framed-in and glazed and cleaning work done. There hasn’t been serious maintenance done for quite some time. Refurbishment funds to improve the facilities have been agreed but more repairs have come to light that will need urgent attention. A refund from the installers of the office space will go towards painting. A quote of £185 has been received to paint the ceiling and other quotes are awaited for window repairs. A separate budget exists to equip and furnish the office. (See decision on meeting furniture already deferred to the next meeting)
ACTION: the council RESOLVED to allocate up to a further £10,000 to complete all the work to refurbish and set up The Old School.
Proposed by Cllr T Batten, seconded by Cllr D Wilson and approved by a vote of 6 for with one abstention.
172 To receive a report and any recommendations from the Working Party, and to further discuss proposals for the plan for the Community Pavilion and consider any motions if necessary.
The Pavilion Working Party presented a plan at the July PC meeting which was to be costed. Company 1 – “Construction costs of buildings, sports pavilions, club houses and changing rooms is a range from £1,920 - £2,140 per M2" Based on an area of 120 M2 that will be an estimated build cost of £230,400 - £256,800.
Company 2 – “ We have had a look at the proposals and would give a broad-brush figure of £325 – £350,000 for the construction.”
We are now looking at various options for finance and grants and have a meeting this Wednesday to discuss ways of obtaining funding. We hope to have further information by the next meeting.
173 To receive a report on the current situation with regard to the operation of the “Speedwatch Group”.
Cllr Graves provided a written report, though he was absent.
The Speedwatch group has been less active during August due to a combination of illness, holidays and weather. However, we do have 3 more volunteers who will be trained later this month. It is expected that roadside sessions will resume shortly.
Information has been downloaded from the new SIDs unit on Sleaford Rd. Generally, it seems that there has been a reduction in speeding since the equipment was installed. Two exceptions were one vehicle leaving the village in the early hours of the morning at 91mph and one entering at 72mph.
Cllr Maureen Cassidy expressed great disappointment that there was less activity on the part of the Speedwatch groups. Cllr T Batten suggested that Cllr Graves, absent this evening, could explain more at the next meeting.
174 To receive an update on the operation of the SIDs in the village and to report on progress with the installation of a new SID. To discuss future sites for SIDs. To agree on the sites for 2 new poles now and to approve the cost of £400 for their installation.
Cllr Graves provided a written report, though he was absent.
I would recommend sites for the 2 new poles as: Opposite the Sidings on north side of the road and outside number 52 College Road on north side of the road (map provided). We have the poles and each will cost £200 each to install. The hedge will need to be cut back.
I have spoken with the farmer who owns the hedge at that position. He has a programme of hedge cutting but is more than happy for us to trim it back ourselves as may be required and we have a volunteer to do it.
Regarding the suggested 30mph camera signs, I have been informed that we cannot put them up if there is no camera. However, I will pursue this further as 2 Police Inspectors tell me there is no reason why we should not install the signs.
Cllr M Pears advised that there were questions from the public, via Facebook, about having speed bumps and other traffic calming in the village. These have been declined in the past, but perhaps the question should be put again to Highways.
ACTION: the council RESOLVED to write to Highways and ask for a response about traffic calming measures.
Proposed by Cllr T Batten, seconded by Cllr J Wilson and approved by a vote of 6 for with one abstention.
Cllr Michael Cassidy also had a concern that the SIDs are too concentrated in Cranwell Village. He feels there is not enough done about speeding outside of the main village of Cranwell and near the school. He would like to see more attention paid to other parts of Cranwell, Brauncewell and Byard's Leap, especially to consider moving SIDs quite regularly and providing a pole at the R.AF. end of the railway mile. It was pointed out that the R.A.F. have already installed two SIDs on the main road in their area and had previously indicated that they might install more. It was suggested that the Council should not consider spending more of their money in this area until the R.A.F.’s intentions become clear.
Cllr T Batten suggested that as Cllr Graves and the representative from the RAF were not present this evening, this is something to be deferred for a more informed discussion at a future meeting.
ACTION; the council RESOLVED to accept the 2 suggested positions for the SIDs, opposite the Sidings and outside number 52 College Road.
Proposed by Cllr T Batten, seconded by Cllr D Wilson and approved by a vote of 4 for with 2 against and one abstention.
175 To consider the possible need for Allotment provision – raised by parishioners.
Cllr T Batten confirmed that the Council do have an obligation to investigate this under old Acts of Parliament but this is only something that should be looked into if at least 6 people request it in writing. No-one has done this so far. He also pointed out that the Council could only do this if there were suitable facilities in the area and that it had to be affordable.
176 To further discuss the creation of the “Coronation Garden”.
Deferred to next meeting as Cllr Collier was absent.
177 To receive an update on the situation regarding footpaths in the village.
Cllr T Batten advised the village is still awaiting a decision on the application for the re-opening of a footpath, application 375. The staff in the department dealing with these matters has been greatly reduced.
178 To receive a further update on the installation of the new CCTV equipment, the deployment of suitable warning signs and the adoption of a “Surveillance Camera Policy” document.
To finalise this, a qualified electrician needs to connect the installations - date to be confirmed.
179 To consider early plans and arrangements for the Christmas festivities.
The Acting Clerk will liaise with the Events Committee to find out about their plans.
180 Receive reports from Councillors on their Areas of Responsibility.
Cllr D Wilson – 2 lights that have been out on the Sleaford Rd have now been discovered to be without an electricity supply and this is being addressed. Some of the potholes he has reported have been repaired but there are still bad areas.
Cllr Michael Cassidy reported that there are still several lights off or flashing in the RAF camp area but he cannot get hold of the contractor responsible there.
At 8.16 the meeting was closed to give District Councillor A Hagues the opportunity to speak
Proposed by Cllr Michael Cassidy, seconded by Cllr D Wilson and approved by a vote of 6 for with one abstention.
Cllr Hagues was asked about the situation with the roads, particularly why Leasingham has had extensive re-surfacing yet nothing done on this scale in Cranwell, Brauncewell and Byard's Leap. He said he would relay the question to Highways but suggested that Leasingham is a route for diverted traffic when there are accidents on the main A15.
The meeting re-opened at 8.20pm
181 To resolve to go into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, as amended by Section 100 of the Local Government Act 1972, to discuss the following matters;
To consider further actions to be taken about the Clerk’s contract of employment and other employment issues.
ACTION: The Council RESOLVED to go into closed session.
Proposed by Cllr M Cassidy, seconded by Cllr C Batten and approved by a vote of 6 for with one abstention.
This part of the meeting closed at 8.20pm.
Members of the public left the meeting 8.20pm.
The meeting continued in the absence of press and public at 8.20pm.
182 To resolve to go back into public session to confirm any decisions made in the closed session.
ACTION: The Council RESOLVED to return to public session.
Proposed by Cllr T Batten, seconded by Cllr Michael Cassidy and approved by a vote of 6 for with one abstention.
The public session resumed at 8.34pm
183 The Council should ratify the closed session.
(Note – the Closed Session Minutes are not for publication by virtue of section 100(a) para 4 of the Local Government Act 1972, the items being of a confidential nature.
ACTION: decisions made in the closed session to be ratified – proposed by Cllr T Batten, seconded by Cllr Maureen Cassidy and approved by a vote of 6 for with one abstention.
184 Meeting dates.
The next meeting was confirmed, being Monday 9th October 2023 in Cranwell Village Hall, starting at 7:00 pm.
The Chair closed the meeting at 8.35pm.