May 2023 Minutes Annual Parish Council Meeting

Cranwell, Brauncewell and Byard’s Leap Parish Council

Minutes of the Annual meeting of Cranwell, Brauncewell and Byard's Leap Parish Council held at Cranwell Village Hall, Old School Lane, Cranwell Village, NG34 8DF on Monday 15th May 2023 at 7:30 pm.
Participating:   Outgoing

Chair:   Cllr Mr T R Batten
Councillors:   Cllr Mrs M Cassidy, Cllr Mr M A Cassidy, Cllr Mr M Collier, Cllr Mr M  Pears (Outgoing Vice Chair and Acting Parish Clerk), Cllr Mr D Wilson and Cllr Mr D Graves

Also in attendance:   D/Cllr J Clark

Mrs B Pears, Assistant Clerk to the Parish Council No members of the public were in attendance.

The Outgoing Chair Cllr Batten declared the ordinary meeting open at 7:30 pm.

89   The Acting Clerk confirmed that Acceptance of Office forms had been signed and received by all Councillors and all were present.

90   To elect a Chair Person.

There were 2 nominations for a Chair: Cllr Michael Cassidy was nominated by Cllr Maureen Cassidy and seconded by Cllr Michael Cassidy. Cllr T Batten was nominated by Cllr M Pears and seconded by Cllr D Graves.

All Councillors voted. Cllr T Batten was appointed by a vote of 4 in favour with Cllr Michael Cassidy receiving a vote of 3 in favour.

91   The newly appointed Chair signed the Acceptance Of Office Form and then suspended the meeting at

7.32 p.m. to open Public Speaking.

Public speaking

District Cllr J Clark advised that, after their election, all the District Councillors are currently undergoing their essential training, attending meetings and taking courses. As soon as that’s done their contact details, committee appointments etc would be available and distributed. Cllr Clark is an Independent, one of 5 on NKDC. There are 43 Councillors in total. He anticipates being able to introduce our other newly appointed District Councillor at the next Parish Council Meeting. Cllr  Clark reminded the meeting that there is to be a flypast of the Lancaster Bomber tomorrow evening to mark the 80th Anniversary of the Dambusters mission.

92   The meeting was re-opened by Chair Cllr T Batten at 7.38 p.m.

Cllr Batten thanked the meeting for appointing him to the position of Chair and declared his intention to serve to the best of his ability.

To receive apologies for absence and reasons given i.a.w. Local Government Act 1972, Sch 12, para 40.

All Councillors were present – no apologies required.

93   To receive declarations of interest and to consider applications in relation to Disclosable Pecuniary Interests.

Disclosure of pecuniary and non-pecuniary interests is to be in accordance with the Localism Act 2011. The need for disclosure is to be based upon agenda items, or at any suitable time during a meeting when it becomes apparent to a Member.

Cllr Mr M Cassidy and Cllr Mrs M Cassidy declared an interest in minute ref: 116b. page 32-2023 as they are payment recipients.

94   To elect a Vice Chair.

Nominations were requested. Cllr M Pears nominated Cllr D Graves, seconded by Cllr M Collier. All Councillors voted and Cllr Graves’s appointment was supported unanimously.
Cllr Batten thanked Cllr Pears for his 2 years’ service in the position of Vice Chair.

95   Notes of the ordinary meeting held on Monday 3rd April 2023 of Cranwell, Brauncewell and Byard's Leap Parish Council to be approved as Minutes.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the notes of the ordinary meeting held on Monday 3rd April 2023 of Cranwell, Brauncewell and Byard's Leap Parish Council, as Minutes.

Proposed by Cllr M Collier, seconded by Cllr D Wilson and approved unanimously.

96   To consider re-establishing old committees from the previous council and appointing new committees, working parties etc in accordance with Standing order 4.

Cllr Pears suggested that a Working Party would offer a more flexible arrangement to make better progress on the Community Pavilion, rather than the current Building and Projects Committee. A working party can meet informally and vary the contributors more easily, inviting experts or residents with experience of different areas. A Working Party needs to have a Councillor as Chair (who should normally not be the P.C. Chair) and must include a minimum of 2 other Councillors. Resident Bradley Whyatt, who is a Structural Engineer, and Dan Killick, who is an Architect) have already expressed an interest to the Acting Clerk to help with the project.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the setting up of a Working Party for the Community Pavilion project in place of the Building and Projects Committee.

Proposed by Cllr T Batten, seconded by Cllr D Wilson and approved unanimously.

Cllr Pears also suggested that, as advised by the NKDC auditor, an HR and Personnel Committee would be advisable.

Terms of reference would be distributed by email by the Acting Clerk.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the setting up of an HR and Personnel Committee. Proposed by Cllr T Batten, seconded by Cllr D Wilson and approved unanimously.

97   To review the appointment of members for all existing committees.

Cllrs Batten, Wilson and Collier volunteered to be on the Working Party for the Community Pavilion. This replaces the Building and Projects Committee and the Pavilion Sub-Committee.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the team of 3 councillors on the Working Party for the Community Pavilion project and to involve Mr Killick and Mr Whyatt.

Proposed by Cllr T Batten, seconded by Cllr D Wilson and approved unanimously.

Cllrs Batten, Wilson, Pears and Collier volunteered to be on the HR committee.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the team of the 4 councillors on the HR Committee. Proposed by Cllr T Batten, seconded by Cllr D Wilson and approved unanimously.

98   To review the terms of reference for all existing committees.

Deferred to the next meeting.

99   To review and establish the Areas of Responsibility to be allocated to Councillors on the new Council.

Discussion established that councillors would retain their current responsibilities with some changes: Cllr Batten will now be the liaison with the police, Cllr Graves will undertake liaising with the RAF and, until a new councillor is appointed, Cllr Batten will oversee Bristow Estate and The Sidings.

100   Re-Adoption of policy documents:

Standing Orders, Financial Regulations, Advertising Guidance Policy, Annual Investment Strategy, Bullying-Harassment Policy, Code of Conduct, Co-option policy, Communications policy, Expenses Policy, Freedom of Information Publication Scheme, Grant and Donations Policy, Social Media Policy,
Data Protection Policy, Policy for handling Freedom of Information Requests, Risk Assessment Strategy.

All Councillors had the documents in advance and these policies were in force for the last Parish Council. Cllr C Graves noted that the word ‘Chairman’ should be replaced by ‘Chair’.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to re-adopt the policies that were in force before. Proposed by Cllr Pears, seconded by Cllr Graves and approved unanimously.

101   Adoption of new policy documents –

Complaints Policy, Disciplinary Policy, Grievance Policy, Health & Safety Policy, Training Policy, Scheme of Delegation Policy, Scheme of Delegation (Emergency) Policy.

These are policies that are new to the Parish Council but they are ones which have been recommended during the Internal Audit and they must have. Copies were supplied to the Councillors in advance of the meeting.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to adopt the new policies.

Proposed by Cllr Pears, seconded by Cllr Graves and approved unanimously.

102   To review arrangements with other local authorities and review contributions made to expenditure incurred by other authorities (e.g. LALC).

Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the expenditure of £300 on LALC membership. Proposed by Cllr M Pears, seconded by Cllr D Wilson and approved unanimously.

103   To review the inventory of land and assets including buildings and office equipment - Asset Register.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the asset register, with the addition of the projector. Proposed by Cllr M Pears, seconded by Cllr Maureen Cassidy and approved unanimously.

104   Confirmation of arrangements for insurance cover in respect of all insured risks – as required annually.

The Acting Clerk confirmed that the insurance contract is in force is for 3 years at £3,600.93 per annum.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the continuation of the insurance as currently contracted. Proposed by Cllr Pears, seconded by Cllr Graves and approved unanimously.

105   To determine the time and place of ordinary meetings of the full council up to and including the next annual meeting of full council.

All at 7 p.m. -  June 12th, July 10th, Sept 11th, Oct 9th, Nov 13th, Dec 11th, Jan 8th, Feb 12th, March 11th, April 8th, May 13th (AGM), Annual Parish Meeting on April 22nd 2024.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the dates as listed.

Proposed by Cllr Pears, seconded by Cllr M Collier and approved unanimously.

106   Financial Matters

a.   Approve the payments made since the last meeting.


N.B – The Council has paid the annual fee for the brown bin in the Garden of Remembrance but the bin has gone missing. Cllr Wilson will check the number of bins in the Bowls Club, but if it is not traced, a new one will be needed.

Cllr Michael Cassidy suggested that electricity meter readings need to be checked. Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the payments made since the last meeting.

Proposed by Cllr Michael Cassidy, seconded by Cllr Maureen Cassidy and approved unanimously.

b.   Approve the payment of invoices etc. as listed on the Payments to be Authorised sheet.

EB-0898   Grounds Maintenance   John Scotney   115.50
EB-0900   Scribe sign up/subscription fee   Starboard Systems Limited (Scribe)   345.60
EB-0904   Internal Audit   Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils   300.00
EB-0899   Grounds Maintenance   Tudor Grounds Maintenance   181.99
EB-0902   Outdoor Lighting   Matsons Electrical   1,260.00
EB-0899   Grounds Maintenance   Tudor Grounds Maintenance 270.00
EB-0899   Grounds Maintenance   Tudor Grounds Maintenance   109.99
EB-0903   Car Park Lighting   MK Electrical (Lincoln) Ltd   1,678.80
EB-0903   Car Park Lighting   MK Electrical (Lincoln) Ltd   156.00
EB-0903   Car Park Lighting   MK Electrical (Lincoln) Ltd   36.00
EB-0901   Fire Extinguisher Maintenance   M-Fire Ltd   79.01

EB-0905   Expenses   Brenda Pears   35.00

EB-0908   Councillors Expenses   Michael Cassidy   39.15

Total   4,607.04

Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the payments of invoices etc. as listed on the Payments to be Authorised sheet.

Proposed by Cllr M Collier, seconded by Cllr D Wilson and approved by a vote of 5 for with 2 abstentions.

b.   Approve the bank reconciliation from the previous month.

Lloyds Current Account = £87,825.05

The Council RESOLVED to approve the bank reconciliation from the previous month. Proposed by Cllr Michael Cassidy, seconded by Cllr M collier and approved unanimously.

d. To present, and consider, documentation to show the final “end of year” situation with the Council Finances for 2022-2023. The Acting Clerk, Cllr Pears, advised that these are the figures to go into the AGAR which is due to be presented at the next meeting.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to accept the figures presented.

Proposed by Cllr Michael Cassidy, seconded by Cllr D Wilson and approved unanimously.

e.   To consider moving £1,800 from the Elections Reserve (currently £2,100) to the Office Equipment Reserve (currently £600) to cover the costs of equipping an office and providing equipment.

As there will not be an election for 4 years now, reserving money at this stage is not necessary.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to move £1,800 to support the creation and equipping of a Parish Office. Proposed by Cllr Michael Cassidy, seconded by Cllr M Collier and approved unanimously.

f.   To consider the purchase of a projector and screen for use in public meetings, training sessions and in the future use of the Old School at a price of no more than £500 + vat.

After the AGM it was apparent that a modern projection system would be of significant benefit for that occasion and other situations.  Cllr Michael Cassidy retrieved a projector from the Village Hall store that had been forgotten.  This will be checked to see if it works satisfactorily.  Cllr Wilson offered a screen of his that he no longer uses.  If these do not meet the requirements foreseen, the Council will budget for alternative equipment.  Cllr Batten suggested that we should also look to install a permanent projector in the Old School.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to budget no more than £800 for a projector and screen. Proposed by Cllr Batten, seconded by Cllr Maureen Cassidy and approved unanimously.

g.   To consider having a full electrical inspection of the Old School.  It is now due.

The Parish Council has received a quote for £280 plus v.a.t. to cover this work.  Cllr Michael Cassidy pointed out that failure to have an up-to-date inspection might well invalidate the insurance.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to budget no more than £280+vat for an electrical inspection of the Old School by MK Electrical.

Proposed by Cllr M Pears, seconded by Cllr Maureen Cassidy and approved unanimously. h. To confirm registration with I.C.O. at a cost of £40 per annum.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to confirm the registration. (Data Protection requirement) Proposed by Cllr M Pears, seconded by Cllr Maureen Cassidy and approved unanimously.

i. To consider any further suggestions for spending the C.I.L. money.

As the current SIDs are not working and it will take a while to resolve the matter with the supplier, it would be possible to buy a new one immediately with the CIL money.  The CIL amount is £2,552 and a new SID as preferred (and recommended by other parishes), would cost £2,250+delivery+vat.

Quotes received: All solar powered. ELAN CITY - £2,250 + delivery + vat UNIPART DORMAN - £4,288 + vat

AUTOMATE SYSTEMS - £3,580 + delivery + vat

Action: The Council RESOLVED to purchase a new SID from Elan City at a cost of around £2,250 +delivery+ vat using the CIL money.

Cllr Wilson expressed concern that using the money this way does not meet the criteria of being for the benefit of the whole community.

Proposed by Cllr M Pears, seconded by Cllr D Graves and agreed with a vote of 6 in favour with one abstention.

j. To discuss the suggestion of the unused amount of “Jubilee Funding” from 2022 (approx £300) to be used to purchase a P.A. system for use on the Village Green and at public meetings.  This money is currently back in general funds.
The meeting agreed that it can be difficult to hear speakers in the village hall at the different meetings.  Also, as more outdoor events are planned for the village, it would be useful to have a system that can be used for those occasions too.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to budget no more than £600+vat, using the remaining Jubilee fund and adding to it, for a versatile P.A system.

Proposed by Cllr Michael Cassidy, seconded by Cllr M Collier and approved unanimously. Planning  Applications:

23/0344/LBC – 23rd March 2023 – R.A.F. Cranwell NG34 8HB – re-location of one AirCon unit and addition of two more in College Hall Officers Mess.

Permission is needed as it is for a listed building. No objections from the meeting.

107   Receive a report from the Clerk on matters pertaining to the Parish Council.

i.   ELECTION. All Councillors must complete an “Election Expenses Claim Form” – even if it was an uncontested election and they have no expenses. A “nil” form must be returned to NKDC by June 2nd 2023. It is an offence not to respond under the regulations. Send it to me and I’ll submit in bulk. It was on the letter sent by NKDC – or I can get another.

ii.   MESSAGE RECEIVED FROM COMMUNITY EVENTS COMMITTEE – “I have a couple of questions I’d like to ask in relation to our Summer Fete.

Is it okay to have the use of the Village Hall car park again for a small car display, like the one for the Jubilee?”

Action: The Council RESOLVED to allow this request.

Proposed by Cllr Pears, seconded by Cllr M Collier and approved unanimously.

“Would it be possible for the Football club to have the use of the tennis courts to do a “Beat the Goalie” game?”

Action: The Council RESOLVED to allow this request with the proviso that trainers are worn to respect the surface.

Proposed by Cllr Pears, seconded by Cllr Graves and approved unanimously.

“Is it okay if we have gazebos on the village playing field, around the edges to help with shade and also for some of our little games etc”

Action: The Council RESOLVED to allow this request.

Proposed by Cllr Pears, seconded by Cllr Graves and approved unanimously.

iii.   B.T. – sent us a Bailiff letter for unpaid internet charges on account that we had confirmation of being closed late last year. They said we still owed over £100. It took the Assistant Clerk a further 48 minute phone call to (hopefully) get this finally sorted (again).

iv.   MONKEY WALL CHALLENGE – the process has been started – post has been put on facebook asking for “likes”. This shows public support – we then apply to The Community Lottery Fund. So far – 90 “likes” registered.

v.   Car Park light now back in operation – hopefully turning off at correct times.

vi.   Lighting pole near Playground now replaced and working – then had problem with the lights being on all day – Matsons came back and replaced a faulty photocell.

vii.   Defib Light at Village Hall now back on – fault found in circuitry in the toilets.

viii.   Cllr Graves now replaced the locking mechanism in the Old School entrance door.

ix.   Issue with John Scotney Groundsman – issued invoice at end of March for £450 for weedkilling and cleaning/re-staining car park fence + garage fronts + Village Green benches. Village Green not done at all – advised that it was not acceptable to invoice for jobs not done – requested that work be completed before invoice is paid – he said it would be done – as of last Wednesday still not done. No further communication from him. Not received invoice for Playground gate.

x.   Cllr Batten will address the problem of the car park light that is an annoyance for a resident because of its angle.
xi.   A villager has asked to place a plaque in the garden of remembrance for his late father who was resident for 70 years.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to accept this request.

Proposed by Cllr M Cassidy, seconded by Cllr D Wilson and approved unanimously.

108   To report on the recent Parish Council Elections on 4th May 2023 and current status of the Parish Council with regard to General Powers of Competency.

The Parish Council does not currently have a Clerk who has attained a qualification for that role, consequently the council cannot declare it is ‘Competent’ as the official term stipulates.

Action: “The Parish Council resolves that, having not met the conditions of eligibility as defined in the Localism Act 2011 and SI 965 The Parish Councils (General Power of Competence)(Prescribed Conditions) Order 2012, not to adopt the General Power of Competence.”

Proposed by Cllr M Pears, seconded by Cllr Michael Cassidy and approved unanimously.

109   To report on the Parish Meeting in April.

The meeting discussed the feedback and agreed that there had been one too many speakers for the time available (three maximum next time).  Also, the room should have been orientated towards the furthest end while keeping the shutters to the kitchen area closed to cut down on the noise from there.  (Providing projection equipment and microphone already discussed)

110   To receive an update, and make any decisions, on any developments with the future use of the Old School building.  Discuss requirements for setting up an office.

The meeting discussed the demands on the building if it is to serve as an office and meeting space.  Cllr Michael Cassidy suggested that, as a longer-term project, the budget to refurbish the building could be increased to revamp the toilets and kitchen.  Cllr Maureen Cassidy’s concern is that the building will deteriorate if it is left unused.  All agreed that any work should be smart and done well and that an office combined with a meeting space needs to be carefully organised and properly equipped.

111   To receive a report on the current situation with regard to the operation of the “Speedwatch Group”.

Cllr D Graves, who’s area of responsibility this is, confirmed one more volunteer has joined the group and has been trained.  There are now 6 ‘Speedwatchers’

112   To receive an update on the operation of the SIDs in the village.

The suppliers of the 2 SIDs that are currently not working will be pursued to try to get redress, but as already discussed, one new unit will be purchased from a different manufacturer and supplier to ensure the speeding issue continues to be addressed.

113   To receive an update on the distribution of “30 mph” stickers to residents along the main road for fixing to their rubbish bins.

Cllr Graves reported that there seems to have been a good response and these stickers are being used.  Consideration would be given to obtaining more.  They would incur a cost.

114   To discuss further the creation of a Coronation Garden.

The meeting agreed that this was a lovely idea and the school had been keen to participate, but perhaps the place to make it should be the Remembrance Garden, not a newly created area on the village green. There’s ongoing maintenance to consider and the Remembrance Garden already has regular attention from a groundsman. Cllr Michael Cassidy suggested there is space for an area 15ftx10ft to lift turf and create a bed. The school can be given these dimensions and asked to complete their competition by the end of July keeping in mind a budget of £500 and considering appropriate plants.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to propose this area and budget to the school. Proposed by Cllr T Batten, seconded by Cllr D Wilson and approved unanimously.

115   To receive a further update on the installation of the new CCTV equipment, the deployment of suitable warning signs and the adoption of a “Surveillance Camera Policy” document.

Cllr Batten advised that the final cameras will be installed in 2 weeks time, the earliest opportunity he has.  The camera policy will follow.

116   Receive reports from Councillors on their Areas of Responsibility.

Cllr D Wilson reported that the Bowls Club would like to buy a storage shed and are enquiring about the Parish Council helping with the cost of this. He also presented a bill for Fire Extinguisher Maintenance and asked whether the Council are responsible for paying this. It was agreed that the Acting Clerk would investigate the terms of the lease. It was suggested that for the shed a grant application form should be completed for consideration.

Cllr D Graves reported a dangerously loose manhole cover in the pavement in his area. This will be reported to ‘Fix My Street’.

Councillor Michael cassidy had, as usual, supplied a detailed written report on his area.

117   To resolve to go into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, as amended by Section 100 of the Local Government Act 1972, to discuss the following matters.

To consider further actions to be taken about the Clerk’s contract of employment. Action: The Council RESOLVED to go into closed session.

Proposed by Cllr T Batten, seconded by Cllr Michael Cassidy and approved unanimously. This part of the meeting closed at 9:12 pm.

There were no members of the press or pubic having to leave.

The meeting continued in the absence of press and public at 9:12 pm until 9:25pm

118   (Not for publication by virtue of section 100(a) para 4 of the Local Government Act 1972, the items being of a confidential nature.)

Confidential Minutes of the closed session.

Action: The Council RESOLVED to write to the Clerk and investigate the current situation with her employment.

Proposed by Cllr T Batten, seconded by Cllr M Collier and approved unanimously.

119   Meeting dates.

The next meeting was confirmed, being Monday 12th June 2023 in Cranwell Village Hall, starting at 7:00 pm.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 9:28pm.