July 2023 Minutes
Cranwell, Brauncewell and Byard’s Leap Parish Council
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Cranwell, Brauncewell and Byard's Leap Parish Council held at Cranwell Village Hall, Old School Lane, Cranwell Village, NG34 8DF on Monday 10th July 2023 at 7:00 pm.
Participating: Chair: Cllr Mr T R Batten
Councillors: Vice Chair Cllr Mr D Graves, Cllr Mrs M Cassidy, Cllr Mr M A Cassidy, Cllr Mr M Collier, Cllr Mr M Pears (Acting Parish Clerk), Cllr Mr D Wilson
Also in attendance: D/Cllr A Hagues, D/Cllr J Clark
Mrs B Pears, Assistant Clerk to the Parish Council 6 members of the public were in attendance.
Public speaking:
Cllr T Batten invited the members of the public to address the meeting if they wished. One resident wanted to draw attention to the long delays in resolving the project to replace the dilapidated sports cabins. She was concerned that the current buildings pose a danger. Also, funds raised by the community are being held, unused while decisions on the project drag on. She feels people are angry about this,
adding that this is her opinion. Cllr T Batten commented that the project was started 20 years ago now. He confirmed that progress will be reported in this evening’s meeting.
District Councillor J Clark advised that the routine work of NKDC is their main focus at the moment, particularly processing licensing applications. He also congratulated a village resident, Stephen Hallam on receiving an MBE. He played a leading role in helping the Melton Mowbray pork pie gain protected geographical (PGI) status.
Cllr Hagues advised that school bus companies had been asked to turn off their engines while waiting at stops to reduce the pollution caused.
Cllr T Batten (Chair) brought forward agenda point No. 21
To consider two applications for Co-Option to the Council – to hear presentations from the applicants.
Mrs Carole Batten addressed the meeting as an applicant, confirming that she wished to be on the Parish Council again after a short absence. She had been caring for a friend who was terminally ill but since the sad death of her friend she now has more time to resume the Councillor position. Carole wanted to assure the meeting that she is committed to the work of the Council and that her experience on various other committees will help her in her Parish Council work. There were no questions for Mrs Batten.
Mrs June Wilson addressed the meeting as an applicant. She told the meeting that she has been a resident for 16 years and her work experience included time as a statistical clerk and as a retail store manager. She has been involved in organising veteran car rallies with her husband, Cllr Don Wilson, raising money for charity. June addressed the fact that she is the wife of another Councillor by assuring the meeting that she has opinions of her own which are not necessarily shared by her husband. She has an interest in bowls, but only indoor and not outdoor. She wants to be more involved in the village community and believes there should be more women on the Parish Council. Asked what particular areas she would be interested in contributing to June said, “probably more on behalf of older residents”.
According to regulations, no voting is required for the appointments if the candidates are considered to be qualified. There were no objections so both applicants were automatically co-opted as Councillors.
The Chair declared the ordinary meeting open at 7:12 pm.
Councillor Mike Pears, who is also Acting Parish Clerk, asked to make a statement regarding his dual roles.
My role as both a Councillor and the AcƟng Parish Clerk has always been a difficult balancing act but I have come to the conclusion that it is impossible to do both properly as I believe that it is too easy to misinterpret and confuse what is being said / done in each capacity. The result seems to me that there can be a percepƟon that I am throwing my weight about as a Councillor.
So, I have now decided that from today onwards, I will only “speak” as the AcƟng Clerk in all maƩers. I will totally neutralise myself as a Councillor by abstaining on every vote and I will not make any verbal or wriƩen opinions or contribuƟons on any maƩer in my capacity as a Councillor. I will not parƟcipate as a Councillor in any commiƩees, sub-commiƩees or Working ParƟes. All my contribuƟons can then clearly be construed as advisory in the Clerking role and I intend do my best to ensure that I am an imparƟal Clerk.
I hope that this will prevent any further misunderstandings, or confusion, about what I’m doing or “who I am”. As a maƩer of urgency, I will be acƟvely trying to find you a new Clerk as soon as possible.
Cllr T BaƩen reiterated the importance of the Code of Conduct poinƟng out that respect is vitally important in all meeƟngs. He asked that everyone listen to points raised and not to talk over each other.
143 To receive apologies for absence and reasons given i.a.w. Local Government Act 1972, Sch 12, para 40.
There were no apologies or absences.
144 To receive declarations of interest and to consider applications in relation to Disclosable Pecuniary Interests.
Disclosure of pecuniary and non-pecuniary interests is to be in accordance with the Localism Act 2011. The need for disclosure is to be based upon agenda items, or at any suitable time during a meeting when it becomes apparent to a Member.
Cllr Mr M Cassidy, Cllr Mrs M Cassidy and Cllr M Pears declared an interest in minute ref: 146b. page 48-2023 as they are a payment recipients.
Cllrs T Batten and D Wilson declared an interest in point 21 re co-option of their wives on to the council.
145 Notes of the ordinary meeting held on Monday 15th May 2023 of Cranwell, Brauncewell and Byard's Leap Parish Council to be approved as Minutes.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the notes of the ordinary meeting held on Monday 15th May 2023 of Cranwell, Brauncewell and Byard's Leap Parish Council, as Minutes.
Proposed by Cllr Michael Cassidy, seconded by Cllr D Wilson and approved by a vote of 8 for, with one abstention.
146 Financial Matters
a. Approve the payments made since the last meeting.
Chairman's allowance |
T. Batten |
EB-0921 |
75.00 |
Adobe AcroPro |
Adobe |
15.17 |
Anglian Water Playing Field Acc |
Anglia Water |
DD |
74.00 |
Return of fee paid to use toilets |
Cranwell J.F.C |
EB-0919 |
200.00 |
Email database |
Mailchimp |
19.32 |
Electricity Bill - Old School |
DD |
90.72 |
Clerk's Salary |
B. Pears |
EB-0922 |
653.72 |
Total |
1127.93 |
Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the payments made since the last meeting.
Proposed by Cllr Maureen Cassidy, seconded by Cllr D Graves and approved by a vote of 8 for, with one abstention.
b. Approve the payment of invoices etc. as listed on the Payments to be Authorised sheet.
14/06/2023 |
EB-0921 |
Door Repairs |
Belvoir Locks & Glass |
180.00 |
30/06/2023 |
EB-0923 |
Expenses |
Brenda Pears |
35.00 |
01/07/2023 |
EB-0925 |
Hire of Village Hall |
Cranwell Village Hall Management Committee |
72.00 |
04/07/2023 |
EB-0924 |
Electrical Testing at Old |
MK Electrical (Lincoln) Ltd |
336.00 |
04/07/2023 |
EB-0924 |
Electrical Testing at Old |
MK Electrical (Lincoln) Ltd |
219.60 |
04/07/2023 |
EB-0924 |
Electrical Testing at Old |
MK Electrical (Lincoln) Ltd |
144.00 |
10/07/2023 |
EB-0926 |
Councillors Expenses |
Mike Pears |
1.50 |
10/07/2023 |
EB-0926 |
Councillors Expenses |
Mike Pears |
26.55 |
Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the payments of invoices etc. as listed on the Payments to be Authorised sheet.
Proposed by Cllr D Graves, seconded by Cllr D Wilson and approved by a vote of 8 for, with one abstention.
c. Approve the bank reconciliation from the previous month. Balance for month end = £76,354.79
Cllr T Batten asked that the Clerk look at investment accounts that might be suitable for some of the monies held.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the bank reconciliation from the present month. Proposed by Cllr Maureen Cassidy, seconded by Cllr Michael Cassidy and approved by a vote of 8 for, with one abstention.
d. To formally approve that access be given to all Councillors for “read-only” to the Scribe accounting system – this to comply with recommendations from the Internal Auditor.
The Acting Clerk explained that this was an easy way of fulfilling the Internal auditor’s recommendation that all Councillors have the opportunity to see every invoice received by the Council.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve “read only “access for all Councillors to the Scribe accounting system.
Proposed by Cllr Maureen Cassidy, seconded by Cllr Mark Collier and approved by a vote of 8 for, with one abstention.
e. Due to the 2 month gap before the next meeting, to resolve to give the Acting Clerk permission to pay invoices on receipt that require prior authorisation.
This to be done in association with the Chairman using the Bank Approval system. Payments to be reported as usual at the September 2023 meeting.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve that payments can be made this way.
Proposed by Cllr T Batten, seconded by Cllr D Graves and approved by a vote of 8 for, with one abstention.
f. To consider approving a new contractor for “Groundsman Contract” to replace John Scotney who has terminated his contract with effect from July 31st 2023
10 interested parties replied to the initial advertisement. 3 quotes were actually received and were presented to the meeting. These 3 applicants all confirmed that they have the required equipment. The duration of the contract is 2yrs 8 months.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve awarding the contract to Steven Riley operating under the title of “Steve’s Services”.
Proposed by Cllr T Batten, seconded by Cllr C Batten and approved by a vote of 8 for, with one abstention.
g. To confirm the Insurance renewal from Gallagher for 2023-2024, starting 1st August.
The policy is inflation linked, consequently the cover and the payments have gone up. Payments have increased by £229 + vat per annum to cover the inflation linking.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the payments.
Proposed by Cllr Michael Cassidy, seconded by Cllr D Wilson and approved by a vote of 8 for, with one abstention.
h. To approve the purchase of one new “Speedwatch Warning Sign” at a cost of approx. £87 + v.a.t (Protect Signs) to enable a second group.
By law the group requires 4 signs in order to operate 2 positions simultaneously. The group has 3 at the moment.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the purchase.
Proposed by Cllr D Graves, seconded by Cllr Michael Cassidy and approved by a vote of 8 for, with one abstention.
i. To consider the purchase of 2 new flat swing seats for the Children’s Playground from “Sutcliffe Play” total £89.28 + v.a.t. Other quotes obtained.
These are not urgently required.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to buy 2 swing seats according to the best quote.
Proposed by Cllr Michael Cassidy, seconded by Cllr D Wilson and approved by a vote of 8 for, with one abstention.
j. To consider painting the bare metal left after the Playground gate repair using existing Hammerite yellow paint and purchasing the special products to do the job.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to budget up to £10 for this task.
Proposed by Cllr Michael Cassidy, seconded by Cllr D Graves and approved by a vote of 8 for, with one abstention.
k. To consider getting quotes to refurbish the “Hags” unit in the Children’s Playground.
Cllr Michael Cassidy advised that this is a £15,000 piece of equipment when new and now needs some care and attention to forestall expensive repairs. It’s not a DIY job.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to obtain quotes for the work.
Proposed by Cllr Michael Cassidy, seconded by Cllr D Graves and approved by a vote of 8 for, with one abstention.
l. To consider the possible refurbishment of up to 86 feet of “wet pour” edging at the Children’s Playground that could constitute a trip hazard.
The deterioration of this edging could mean that the playground does not pass its Safety Inspection. Action: The Council RESOLVED to obtain quotes for the work.
Proposed by Cllr Michael Cassidy, seconded by Cllr Maureen Cassidy and approved by a vote of 8 for, with one abstention.
m. To consider the purchase of two Speed Warning Signs at a cost of £72, these being subject to gaining permission by L.C.C. for their installation.
The signs that Cllr Graves recommends are aluminium. They include a camera icon, thus should act as an additional deterrent to speeding. He suggests Byards Leap sign requirements are considered at the same time, after the Council has permission from LCC to put them up.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to obtain 2 signs after permission to install is granted by LCC. Proposed by Cllr D Graves, seconded by Cllr Michael Cassidy and approved by a vote of 8 for, with one abstention.
n. Complaint about the hedge needing cutting on the Playing Field behind 75 Thorold Avenue.
The Acting Clerk showed pictures of the hedge in question and the meeting agreed that it does need to be cut, but not until October when nesting is over. The Acting Clerk will write to the resident and confirm this, noting we will endeavour to cut it to the height she wants.
147 Planning Applications.
23/0662/FUL - 26th June 2023 – 2 Ison Close, Cranwell NG34 8FJ – change of use of garage from residential to business use (picture framing), conversion of garage to workshop and erection of first floor extension over.
The Council does have some concern about the limited parking in this cul-de-sac for a business.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to register a comment with N.K.D.C. expressing this concern. Proposed by Cllr C Batten, seconded by Cllr Mark Collier and approved by a vote of 8 for, with one abstention.
148 To provide an update on the application for a grant to obtain a free Monkey Wall for the Children’s Playground.
The application is still under consideration and an answer expected by mid-August.
149 To complete the “archiving” function on the Council Email system – two Councillors still not registered.
This is a function to ensure there is a full record of Councillors communications. It will be completed next day.
150 To provide feedback on the Council’s presence at the recent coffee morning.
Cllr M Collier attended the coffee morning at the Village Hall along with Cllr D Wilson. Cllr Collier was very pleased to report that the attendees welcomed them and valued the opportunity to bring up various concerns with Councillors directly. The Councillors were asked to circulate. They provided factsheets detailing the responsibilities of the Parish Council and these were well received. Cllr Collier asked that a poster with this information be put on the website and noticeboards.
Feedback was generally positive. Hedges came up as an issue as footpaths have been impacted where they are overgrown. Some suggested publication of the results of the speedwatch would be appreciated as well as a sign on the playing field reminding dog walkers of their responsibilities.
From this meeting, Cllr Collier has concerns that rumours are leading to mis-information about the Pavilion project, consequently he trusts all Councillors will vote independently on the project.
Cllr Wilson received similar feedback. Concern about parking at Crane Close on footballing and events days was mentioned with a suggestion for road markings across driveway entrances. The very large willow tree on Old School Lane is a concern too. The acting Clerk was asked to write to the homeowner about it.
Both Councillors will go again to a coffee morning – the next one suitable will be in October.
151 To receive a report from the Acting Parish Clerk on matters pertaining to the Parish Council.
1. At the risk of being “a pain” – can I please point out that several of you are still sending (and receiving) P.C. business emails on your personal email addresses. You SHOULD NOT be doing this for legal reasons. There are many reasons under data protection – for instance, there will be no archiving of the communication and the messages will be going without the legal footer message on the bottom. PLEASE, YOU MUST NOT DO THIS. That’s why we set up the P.C. emails.
2. In accordance with my “neutral Councillor status I am resigning from my position on the Personnel and H.R. Committee so you need one more person appointing to have the required 4 members. Cllr June Wilson volunteered to be on the H.R Committee and was appointed. Cllr Pears agreed to stay on as it was considered that the Clerk was needed.
3. Old School Electricity bills – they are now nearly correct. After a plethora of paperwork (statements, bills, credit notes etc) we are now getting bills showing a total of just 6 units being used – and they are not increasing month-by-month. The standing charges seem to total £614 from their corrected bills although they are now quoting £740. However we are nearly there !
4. During the Old School Electricity Test the electrician found a burnt fuse and holder, in what we thought may have been emergency lighting. It would appear to have been a key switch or similar set within the 13A ring circuit and grossly overloaded at some point. In the past someone had performed a potentially dangerous alteration in the box. Cllr Cassidy authorised a replacement in the form of a double 13a switched socket and asked the electrician to replace any other items that would provoke a “failure”. This avoids the inspection failing with a subsequent cost of a return visit etc.
5. We now need to consider whether the Electric system in the Bowls Club has been tested recently. Cllr Don Wilson said that he didn’t know. He was asked, and agreed, to find out when it was last done and whether a valid certificate was in place. There would be no further action on this until he had found out.
6. Regarding the Electric box outside the portacabins – this was inspected by M.K. Electrical. The box is Western Power’s box with their input fuses and they would have to replace them. The consumer units are our responsibility and they should ideally be in a separate box. The electrician will explain better in the future - however it would seem that the job will be a complicated process involving Western Power ( National Grid ) and an electrician in various stages. Western Power will be asked to investigate.
7. Free Litter picking kits from LCC – have requested 8 kits (max allowed). Acting Clerk will collect from Lincoln.
8. At my request, the Community Events Committee supplied their Public Liability Insurance and Risk assessment prior to their event last Saturday.
9. I have prepared a Job Advert and Job description for the Parish Clerk position. I intend to put it out online next week with a deadline of August 20th for applications. I will put it past the Chair first.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to pay £49 for placing the advertisement in the NKDC jobs portal. Proposed by Cllr T Batten, seconded by Cllr M Collier and approved by a vote of 8 for, with one abstention.
10. Re. the hedge near the bus shelter at Thorold Road – complaints received that it needed cutting as usual – before NKDC could get to it, Mr Sampson, who lives nearby, went and cut it himself. The Council will send Mr Sampson a thank you message.
11. Re: the HSBC Pavilion Fund cheque. On July 5th I drove to Lincoln City Centre, marched into the HSBC main branch and demanded to sit down in front of someone to sort out the cheque that we’ve been sitting on for 5 months. The result – they have issued instructions for a new cheque to be posted out to us – paid to “Cranwell, Brauncewell & Byards Leap Parish Council”. They said it should take no more than a week to arrive so we should have it by the end of next week. When I get it, I will be able to pay it into our main Lloyds account, then move it across to the new “Cranwell Sports Pavilion Fund” savings account.
12. Playground Inspections – Wicksteed currently do them quarterly – total cost was £260 plus v.a.t for last financial year. Cllr Cassidy has, by accident, found a company that will do it twice a year, for 5 years at a one-off cost of £399 plus v.a.t. Is twice yearly enough ? Next quarterly Wicksteed inspection is due now (they quote 8 week lead time for appt). The meeting, by a show of hands, agreed to continue with Wicksteed.
13. Cranwell Events Committee have invited us to attend their AGM at 7.30 p.m. on Thursday July 20th in the Social Club. Should someone be going ? Should we now have another Liaison Councillor for them (Area of Responsibility) ? Cllr Michael Cassidy agreed to attend the A.G.M and Cllr June Wilson agreed to be the liaison.
152 To receive an update on quotes received and make any decisions on any developments for the future use of the Old School building.
To discuss requirements for setting up an office. To try to resolve on a definite plan (quotes to accept etc) to progress with the necessary work as soon as possible.
Cllr Michael Cassidy spoke about the delays on the Community Pavilion project and how that had impacted the considerations about what to do with the Old School building. The existing cabin must be demolished but that has a knock-on affect for storage etc. Now that a new plan has been produced for the Pavilion, it is clearer what uses the Old School can have. Quotes have been received to create a glass walled office, refurbish the toilets and kitchen and bring the building up to code including installing appropriate fire doors, security system and disabled access. The total cost is in the order of £7,700 + v.a.t
Action: The Council RESOLVED to go ahead with the alterations, allocating the funds to do so. Proposed by Cllr M Collier, seconded by Cllr Maureen Cassidy and approved by a vote of 8 for with one abstention.
153 To receive a report and any recommendations from the Working Party, and to further discuss proposals for the plan for the Community Pavilion and consider any motions if necessary.
Cllr T Batten reported that the group had revised the plans to create a new one that they believed suited all 3 primary users – football clubs, bowls club and wider community. They were grateful for the help from Dan Killick, a village resident and architect, who has produced working drawings for free. The group will now go on to research costings. The Acting Clerk informed the Council that he had been obtaining updated quotes for the demolition of the Portacabins from previous participants. Three quotes had been obtained at £15,000 +, £12,000 + and for £8,200 + vat. Cllr M Collier expressed concern about the disabled access on the new plans. Cllr Michael Cassidy said he thought it looked a good plan at first viewing..
Action: The Council RESOLVED to go ahead with costing this plan.
Proposed by Cllr Michael Cassidy, seconded by Cllr D Graves and approved by a vote of 8 for, with one abstention.
154 To receive a report on the current situation with regard to the operation of the “Speedwatch Group”.
Cllr D Graves reported that the group have worked from 3 sites, 2 in Cranwell and 1 in RAF Cranwell. They have recorded around 2,000 vehicles going through with warning letters being sent to 9 reported vehicles and a second letter sent to one of those 9. The same car was reported twice in one day but with different drivers. The RAF are trying to have the 60mph gap between them and Cranwell village reduced to 40mph.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to request that the County Council reduces the limit to 40mph, Cllr D Graves to write a letter on the Parish Council’s behalf.
Proposed by Cllr T Batten, seconded by Cllr D Wilson and approved by a vote of 8 for, with one abstention.
155 To receive an update on the operation of the SIDs in the village. To consider the purchase of another SID unit from Elan City at a cost of £2,807.99 inc. v.a.t. and consider its mounting position.
Cllr Graves and Cllr Collier spoke of the Byards Leap need for consideration as the distance from the A17 to the 40mph sign is dangerous. Cllr Graves will assess what might be done there and in Brauncewell. A new SID at the western end of the village will require authorisation from LCC for a new pole to be planted somewhere and permission is currently being sought.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to purchase another SID unit at a cost of £2,807.99 inc vat, but only after LCC have confirmed where it can be installed.
Proposed by Cllr D Graves, seconded by Cllr D Wilson and approved by a vote of 8 for, with one abstention.
156 To further discuss the creation of the “Coronation Garden.
Cllr Collier reported that he has written to the school to progress this. The RAF will prepare the land for the garden. Decisions need to be made about how the competition is structured, whether for a class or for smaller groups of friends and what the prize should be. This should be finalised at the next meeting in September.
157 To get updates on the reasons for the request to remove part of the Bowls Club leylandii hedge – deferred from last meeting.
No longer required.
158 To receive a further update on the installation of the new CCTV equipment, the deployment of suitable warning signs and the adoption of a “Surveillance Camera Policy” document.
Deferred to next meeting.
159 To reconfirm all the existing Areas of Responsibility for Councillors and re-allocate where necessary. The 2 new Councillors accepted responsibility for specific areas. Cllr C Batten will take over the area between the Village Hall and the Bristow Estate and also for Brauncewell, including doing the routine defibrillator checks there. Cllr J Wilson will join the Personnel & H.R. Committee and be the Liaison with the Community Events Committee.
A full list of responsibilities will be publicised.
160 To receive reports from Councillors on their various past Areas of Responsibility.
Cllr Graves advised that he had repaired one of the 30mph signs and will refix it in place. He will try to get a replacement for another that is unrepairable.
Cllr D Wilson reported that holes on Sleaford Road had been repaired very quickly.
Cllr Michael Cassidy commented on the light in the car park. It still needs to be adjusted but the pole is not sturdy enough to lean against with a ladder. The job requires another means of access. Cllr D Graves suggested he could ask if there could be help from the RAF.
To resolve to go into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, as amended by Section 100 of the Local Government Act 1972, to discuss the following matters;
To consider further actions to be taken about the Clerk’s contract of employment.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to go into closed session.
Proposed by Cllr D Graves, seconded by Cllr D Wilson and approved by a vote of 8 for, with one abstention.
This part of the meeting closed at 8.48 pm.
Members of the public left the meeting 8.48 pm.
The main meeting resumed at 8.57pm.
Cllr T Batten thanked everyone for a good meeting this evening.
162 Confirm the date of the next meeting.
The next ordinary meeting was confirmed, being Monday 11th September 2023 in Cranwell Village Hall, starting at 7:00 pm.
The Chair closed the meeting at 8.59 pm.