Draft Minutes 13.1.25
NOTES of the Ordinary meeting of Cranwell, Brauncewell and Byard's Leap Parish Council held at Cranwell Village Hall, Old School Lane, Cranwell Village, NG34 8DF on Monday 13th January 2025.
Present: Chair: Cllr D Graves
Councillors: Cllrs. S Daley, G Fox, S Liivet, A Youle (O Curtis joined after co-option).
C/C R Wright and D/C J Clarke.
Also in attendance: 2 members of the public and Lesley Frances (Clerk/RFO)
Public speaking:
C/C Wright said that the College Road roadworks are complete. There is a new Solar Farm initial consultation taking place – Leoda Solar Farm. There is no national energy policy nor a land use policy. The Secretary of State does not look at the cumulative effect of the numbers of solar farms. The New NPPF is not yet in place. NK has said to the Secretary of State that at the very least, the cumulative effect of solar farms in this area must be looked at and cannot be ignored. They are fighting the Energy Secretary who is not listening and the question arises “how many more acres in Lincolnshire are they going to allow”? The Chair raised the clearing of the dyke on Thorold Avenue and Cllr Clarke said that it was only the last bend that hadn’t been cleared. The ditch does go into the end field. Cllr Wright will have a word with the drainage manager and report back.
D/C Clarke gave 3 important contact numbers:
Flood reporting: 01522 782082. Fallen trees: 01522.782070. Power lines: 155.
There are trees available for Parish Councils. Ian Fytche has now retired and the new Chief executive is in post. CC elections should be in May but due to devolution and the incoming Mayor these may not happen.
Chair mentioned that there are gas works taking place on St Benedict’s Close which the Gas Safety Officer has said are unnecessary but NK has given the instructions.
Public mentioned that there is a tree across the Green Lane bridleway – Clerk to report to Footpath Officer.
The Chair opened the PC meeting at 7.25 pm.
1. To receive apologies for absence and reasons given i.a.w. Local Government Act 1972, Sch 12, para 40.
Cllr P Liivet had given his apologies as he is working away – resolved to accept.
2. To receive declarations of interest and to consider applications in relation to Disclosable Pecuniary Interests.
Disclosure of pecuniary and non-pecuniary interests is to be in accordance with the Localism Act 2011. The need for disclosure is to be based upon agenda items, or at any suitable time during a meeting when it becomes apparent to a Member. There were none.
3. Notes of the ordinary meeting of Cranwell, Brauncewell and Byard's Leap Parish Council held on 9th December 2024 to be approved as Minutes.
RESOLVED to approve the Notes of the meeting of Cranwell, Brauncewell and Byard’s Leap
Parish Council, as Minutes. Approved unanimously.
4. Co-option – it was resolved unanimously to co-opt Olivia Curtis and she then joined the
table. She had completed her RPI form and the Clerk had received it – she signed her
Declaration of Acceptance of Office at the meeting.
5. Appointment of Vice Chair
It was proposed and seconded, and agreed unanimously that Cllr Youle be Vice Chair,
6. Financial Matters:
a. Approve the payments made since the last meeting.
The Council RESOLVED to approve the payments made since the last meeting. Appendix A. - approved unanimously.
b. Approve the payment of invoices etc. as listed on the Payments to be Authorised sheet. The Council RESOLVED to approve the payments of invoices etc. as listed on the Payments to be Authorised sheet. Appendix B – approved unanimously.
c. Approve the bank reconciliation as at 6.1.25.
The Council RESOLVED to approve the bank reconciliation as at 6.1.25.
approved unanimously.
d. Review the latest Summary of Reserves Balances
The Council RESOLVED to approve the reserves balances - approved unanimously.
e. Review and approve the budgets-v- actual spreadsheet.
The Council RESOLVED unanimously to approve this
f. It was RESOLVED to add Cllrs S Liivet and A Youle as bank signatories.
7. Internal Audit requirements
a. RESOLVED to agree retrospective consent to a Closed Session meeting in May (at the end
of the probationary period) when it was agreed that Lesley Frances’ employment as
Clerk/RFO would continue.
b. RESOLVED to agree Accessibility and Privacy statements on website.
c. RESOLVED to accept Data Breach Policy and Risk Management document as presented.
d. General Power of Competence is no longer valid as it was not re-affirmed at our May
8. Planning Applications
24/0844 and 0845 – RAF officers mess heating improvements and secondary glazing – approved. 24/0970 – RAF – new fire doors – pending consideration.
24/1089- RAF replacement radiators – approved. Clerk advised that the Springwell Solar Farm has had acceptance of its Development Consent Order.
9. To receive a report on Road Safety matters
The LRSP is looking at a survey of traffic measurements in March/April.
No meeting with Mr Butler yet arranged to sort out positioning of SID pole. Chair has not had
an opportunity to download the SID information, due to inclement weather. Flooding at the
Village Green and Willow Lane was reported on Fix My Street but LCC would not take any
Action as it appeared to be a capacity issue.
10. Public footpaths 754 and 4.
Case progression re 754 should commence this year. FP4 is 185th out of 559 cases so
no date for progression forthcoming.
11. Mr Peterken’s memorial tree
The family has agreed the proposed position of the tree and it is agreed that they can
prepare the ground at the appropriate time – in the spring. Chair will meet with them at a
pre-arranged date for the planting.
12. Play area
Nothing to report. Cllr Youle will do a monthly check imminently.
13. Carols on the Green
Unfortunately, this event was poorly attended. However, people that did attend enjoyed the
Carols, mulled wine and mince pies.
14.Facebook – clerk to find out who Administrator is for original FB for PC.
15. Areas of Responsibility
Chair advised that there had been a burst pipe in the Footballers cabin. They have taken
most of the water out, It was agreed that the lino/vinyl should be taken up to protect the ply
underneath. They are arranging for a commercial de-humidifier tomorrow. Ask WAVE if we
can get a rebate. Advise CJFC to turn water off at the mains after each attendance. Agreed
that, at this stage, we will not instruct insurers.
16. Date of next meeting - Monday 10th February 2025 at 7 pm.
The Chair closed the meeting at 8 pm.
PAYMENTS made 1.12.24 to 31.12.24 – Appendix A
3.12.24 465.60 Grounds Maintenance Tudor Grounds Maintenance
3.12.24 29.38 OS Electric bill Valda Energy
3.12.24 86.78 Playing field electric bill Valda Energy
3.12.24 14.97 Village green electricity EDF Energy
3.12.24 300.00 Car park tree work P & P Tree services
3.12.24 20.00 Playing field water Wave
3.12.24 32.05 OS Internet BT
4.12.24 375.33 Grounds maintenance S Riley Services
10.12.24 13.69 Stationery Amazon
11.12.24 851.25 Clerks salary L Frances
11.12.24 31.30 Clerks expenses L Frances
11.12.24 29.40 Email archives etc IONOS
11.12.24 35.00 OS Water Wave
17.12.24 4.80 Emails IONOS
17.12.24 15.00 Window clean OS Diamond Shine
18.12.24 80.00 Chairs allowance D Graves
23.12.24 19.97 Adobe Adobe
28.12.24 80.29 Electric OS Valda
28.12.24 87.40 Electric playing field Valda
30.12.24 465.60 Grounds maintenance Tudor Grounds Maintenance
31.12.24 375.33 Grounds maintenance S Riley Services
31.12.24 32.05 OS Internet B T
RECEIPTS made since 1.12.24
9.12.24 16.12 Interest Lloyds
23.12.24 10.00 Water Bowls Club
24.12.24 36.95 Electric and water CJFC
PAYMENTS TO BE AUTHORISED – December 2024 – Appendix B
10.12.24 13.69 Laptop stand Amazon