Draft Minutes 10.2.25

NOTES of the Ordinary meeting of Cranwell, Brauncewell and Byard's Leap Parish Council held at Cranwell Village Hall, Old School Lane, Cranwell Village, NG34 8DF on Monday 10th February 2025. 
Present: Chair:  Cllr D Graves
     Councillors:  Cllrs. S Daley, G Fox, P Liivet, S Liivet, O Curtis and        A Youle.
  D/C A Hagues and D/C J Clarke. 
   Also in attendance:  3 members of the public and Lesley Frances (Clerk/RFO) 
Public speaking: 
D/C Hagues had nothing to report.  He did say that the County and Mayoral elections will take place on 1st May 2025
D/C Clarke said that the Council Tax level will be agreed on 13th February and as NK is very well run we should be pleased with the less than 5% increase.  The New Chief Executive, Kath Marriott, started last week. Council house properties have been made warm with double glazing, heating etc.  The free trees offer is extended to 17th February.
Public  - nothing to raise.
The Chair opened the PC meeting at 7.10 pm.
1. To receive apologies for absence and reasons given i.a.w. Local Government Act 1972, Sch  12, para 40. 
             C/C R Wright who is on leave.  
2. To receive declarations of interest and to consider applications in relation to Disclosable  Pecuniary Interests. 
Disclosure of pecuniary and non-pecuniary interests is to be in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.  The need for disclosure is to be based upon agenda items, or at any suitable time during a meeting when it becomes apparent to a Member.  There were none. 
3. Notes of the ordinary meeting of Cranwell, Brauncewell and Byard's Leap Parish Council held on 13th January 2025 to be approved as Minutes. 
RESOLVED to approve the Notes of the meeting of Cranwell, Brauncewell and Byard’s Leap 
Parish Council, as Minutes. Approved unanimously. 
4.   Financial Matters: 
a. Approve the payments made since the last meeting. 
   The Council RESOLVED to approve the payments made since the last meeting. Appendix A. - approved unanimously.   
b. Approve the payment of invoices etc. as listed on the Payments to be Authorised sheet. There were none.
c.  Approve the bank reconciliation as at 31.1.25. 
The Council RESOLVED to approve the bank reconciliation as at 31.1.25.
approved unanimously.   
c. Review the latest Summary of Reserves Balances 
The Council RESOLVED to approve the reserves balances - approved unanimously.  
 e. Review and approve the budgets-v- actual spreadsheet.  The Council RESOLVED unanimously to approve this.
 f. Clerk explained the LALC Annual Training Scheme and it was resolved unanimously that we would not join the scheme for the forthcoming year.
 g. Resolved unanimously to pay the LALC annual subscription of £542.10.
 h. Resolved unanimously to purchase the childs pads for the defibrillator at the village hall at a cost of £117 + VAT.
 i. Resolved unanimously to buy 3 hours of Website Management Service at £54.
5.  Planning Applications 
 24/0970 – RAF – new fire doors – pending consideration.   
 6. VE Day 80th Anniversary – it is not known whether the RAF will open their events to the community.  Agenda this item for the March meeting.
 Agreed unanimously that the Craft Club may decorate the village green so long as they remove the items after the event.
 7.  Change of e-mail domain to .gov.uk
  Clerk explained that we will eventually have to have emails with this domain and that there are various deals being done at the moment.  She had obtained three quotes which had previously been presented to the Councillors.  After discussion it was agreed unanimously that we should go with Cloud Next.  Clerk advised that we only have to give IONOS a month’s notice.
              8. To receive a report on Road Safety matters 
              Still waiting to hear from the  LRSP for a survey of traffic measurements in March/April.
              No meeting with Mr Butler yet arranged to sort out positioning of SID pole.  Chair had 
              circulated 8 months of SID data which showed 500,000 vehicle movements.  Cllr Youle 
              requested month by month reports with times showing, and he and Cllr P Liivet will do an 
              Cllr Youle raised his concerns over the state of the main road in the Village and it was agreed 
              he will walk the main road when the weather is better, and take photos of all the problems, 
              which he will then upload to Fix My Street.  
              9. Play area
              Cllr Youle had done his inspection and his report had been circulated. Moss needs 
              clearing off various areas and the tennis nets need changing as they are ripped.  Clerk to 
              check if Steve Riley is responsible for the moss and if not, to ask play area specialists for 
              the correct product to use.  Chair and Clerk to check the nets in the garage to see if they 
              are useable and if not, Clerk to get the price of new nets.
               10. Facebook page – old FB page has been deleted. Cllrs will assist Clerk to get rid of 
               the one she created.
               11. Mr Peterken’s memorial tree
               Clerk had forwarded a copy of the proposal put by Mr Peterken and it was unanimously 
               approved to accept the proposal.  Chair of CJFC had confirmed the wording on the 
               plaque was correct.  Clerk to advise Mr Peterken accordingly.
               12. Areas of Responsibility
                Village Green Christmas tree needs pruning - Cllrs P & S Liivet will do this at the appropriate 
                Cllr Daley advised that there is a graduation on Thursday and there will be fireworks at 
                10 pm – she will put this out on FB.
               13. Date of next meeting -  Monday 17th March at 7 pm.  
The Chair closed the meeting at 7.55 pm. 
PAYMENTS made 1.1.25 to 28.1.25 – Appendix A
6.1.25 20.00 Playing field water Wave
6.1.25 29.40 Emails IONOS
13.1.25 35.00 OS Water Wave
13.1.25 9.27 Village green electricity EDF Energy
14.1.25 342.00 Internal audit LALC
14.1.25 842.90 Tax and NI HMRC
21.1.25 883.55 Clerk salary & exps L Frances
27.1.25 19.97 Adobe Adobe
RECEIPTS made since 1.1.25
9.1.25 17.86 Interest Lloyds
13.1.25 9.47 Wayleave payment National Grid
20.1.25 553.47 VAT refund HMRC