Minutes 13.5.24.

Cranwell, Brauncewell and Byard’s Leap Parish Council
NOTES of the Ordinary meeting of Cranwell, Brauncewell and Byard's Leap Parish Council held at Cranwell Village Hall, Old School Lane, Cranwell Village, NG34 8DF on Monday 13th May 2024.
Present: Chair: Cllr Mr D Graves
Councillors: Cllr D Wilson and Cllr Mrs J Wilson, Cllr J Bloomfield and D/C J Clark and Ian Whitehead of the RAF.
Also in attendance: 2 members of the public 
Ms Lesley Frances - Clerk to the Parish Council
Public speaking:
D/C Clark said that Richard Wright is Leader of NK and they have a new Chair.  The Government is introducing a new Act for disposal of food waste and Councils are up in arms at additional costs.   Manor Farm has planning for 18 houses including affordable housing.  He also recommends that any problems with roads and footways be reported on Fix My Street.
Ian Whitehead advised that there will be a D-Day Craft event on 5th June between 10 and 2 pm – everyone is invited, and full details will be made available.  There will be a Church service for Veterans and their partners on 6th June.  He is hoping to get Holding Officers to help with clearing ginnels and paths.  The RAF fire section will maintain the extinguisher supplied to us by them – due in November.  They are hoping to hold a Station event for Councillors later this year.
1. To receive apologies for absence and reasons given i.a.w. Local Government Act 1972, Sch 12, para 40.
Sandra Liivet who is on holiday – agreed to accept and co-opt in her absence.
2. To receive declarations of interest and to consider applications in relation to Disclosable Pecuniary Interests.
Disclosure of pecuniary and non-pecuniary interests is to be in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.  The need for disclosure is to be based upon agenda items, or at any suitable time during a meeting when it becomes apparent to a Member.  There were none.
3. Co-option of Sarah Daley and Sandra Liivet
Both ladies had competed their ROI forms and Declaration of Acceptance of Office forms and they were duly co-opted.  Sarah Daley took her place with the Councillors and she was welcomed.
4. Notes of the ordinary meeting of Cranwell, Brauncewell and Byard's Leap Parish Council held on Monday 8th April 2024  to be approved as Minutes.
RESOLVED to approve the Notes of the meeting of Cranwell, Brauncewell and Byard's Leap Parish Council, as Minutes. Approved unanimously.
5. Financial Matters
a. Approve the payments made since the last meeting.
The Council RESOLVED to approve the payments made since the last meeting. Appendix A. - approved unanimously.  
b. Approve the payment of invoices etc. as listed on the Payments to be Authorised sheet.
The Council RESOLVED to approve the payments of invoices etc. as listed on the Payments to be Authorised sheet. Appendix B – approved unanimously.  
c. Approve the bank reconciliation as at 30.4.24.
The Council RESOLVED to approve the bank reconciliation as at 30.4.24 of £40,189.54  - approved unanimously.
d. Review the latest Summary of Reserves Balances
The Council RESOLVED to approve the reserves balances - approved unanimously.
e. Information from Clerk regarding SSE invoices
Both invoices total about £7,700 and the estimated readings are way out (some 10,000 kwh more than they were).  She has emailed SSE complaints 3 times with nil response.  Letters threatening court action were received and Clerk rang SSE on 7th May saying they had ignored my 3 emails – the response was that they have a huge backlog.  Clerk said it was very unfair that we are being threatened with Court action when they haven’t even considered her three emails with correct meter readings.  SSE said they would note the system so that we do not get any further Court threatening letters.
f.  Water test thermometer
We now have to do monthly Legionnaires testing – appropriate thermometer is £7.23 and it was resolved unanimously that the Clerk should purchase this.
g. P. Collishaw mower repairs
Agreed unanimously that the Clerk should pay the invoice for £163.80.
h. Payment of Clerk’s SLCC subscription 
This was agreed when the Clerk accepted her job offer.  She has two PCs and had split the total subscription of £188 (using hours employed) as to £122 for Cranwell and £66 for her other PC.  Approved unanimously.
i. List of regular payments
The clerk had drawn up and circulated a list of regular payments which was approved unanimously.
j. Receipt from NK
We received £140.36 from NK in respect of the CIL (Community Infrastructure Levy) relating to 20 Willow Lane.
k. Consider LALC training scheme
Clerk explained that if we pay £150 to LALC then we don’t pay for each training session taken (usually £30).  As we have new councillors and therefore we are likely to have a few training sessions during the year, it was agreed that we would take up the Training Scheme for the current year at £150.  Clerk to organise.
l. Payments for authorisation
We need a battery for the Brauncewell defibrillator at £245 – proposed by Cllr Graves and seconded by Cllr D Wilson – agreed unanimously.
Wiring to the lamp post near the cabins is dangerous – quote obtained for work to be done this week at £265 (Thomas Dutton) – MK had come back to look at the problem and will quote but can’t do anything till June.  In event of safety implications, it needs doing so Thomas Dutton will be instructed forthwith.   Agreed unanimously.
(i)  Resolution to accept Internal Auditor report – clerk mentioned we will get a qualified report from the External Auditor as the IA had had to qualify hers.
(ii) Clerk went through the Annual Governance Statement and it was unanimously agreed that the Chair and Clerk sign same.
(iii) Clerk explained the Statement of Accounts to Councillors and it was unanimously agreed that it be signed by Clerk and Chair.
6. Yellow painting of footpath edge
Contractor has been asked to come and do this work now that the weather is fine – paint is in the Old School.
7. Planning Applications
24/0056 – re-tiling of section of roof at Brauncewell Lodge, Long Lane, Brauncewell – approved.
24/0137 – tree height reduction at 1 Farriers Gate – approved.
24/0364 – Discharge of Condition 3 re land to rear of 20 Willow Lane – approved.
24/0285 – discharge of conditions at Manor Farm – pending consideration.
8.The Old School
The Sleaford Standard had done a great write up on the Old School and the Open Day had taken place. We have one booking so far and an enquiry for another.
9. Pavilion/Cabins
All necessary works to take delivery of the cabins was done – thanks to the CJFC members who carried out/arranged this work.  Cabins have been delivered and are in place.  Some paintwork was damaged in transit as was a door but these are fixable.  We had had 3 quotes for base concreting (Baker Training £980; Foundationcrete £1,023 and £784 Concrete2You).  It was agreed we would use Baker Training.  We have had quotes for the connection of the drainage and water at £400 and £520 – agreed we would accept the £400 quote.  We have had quotes for the electrical connections (including a new meter for each of the bowls cabin and football cabin) – online quote for £752.78, quote from MK £1,004 and quote from Thomas Dutton at £785.  It was agreed we would go with |Thomas Dutton as he is known and comes highly recommended and can do the work this week.  MK is not available until June.  There is live cable which is for the lamp post at the edge of the path – emergency action required and Thomas Dutton quoted £265 – agreed to appoint him.
10. Consider fees to be charged to Bowls Club and Junior Football Club
The Bowls Club currently pay £20 p,a, and it was resolved that for the current year they will be charged that fee plus pay for water and electricity that they alone use.  Clerk will forward a draft Hire Agreement to Cllr D Wilson for Maria.  This will be reviewed in October after the PC has paid for installation of a new green, when the Bowls Club may wish to consider a Lease from the PC.  The Football Club will be charged £20 p.a and for the electricity that they use – draft Hire Agreement to be sent to Chair of CJFC.
11. Update on wooden posts adjacent to footpath at playing field
18 posts have been installed by Dysons – sincere thanks to Tom Wilkes for organising this.
12. To receive a report on Road Safety matters
Cllr Graves advised that there is no information from the SIDs this month as he has been tied up with the cabins’ installation.  There will be a CSW (Community Speed Watch) roadside session this Friday.  Cllr Graves will draw up editorial to go on Facebook and on our website recruiting more members to the CSW team.  It was noted that the hedge opposite The Sidings needs cutting as it is growing over the new SID – Cllr Daley is keeping the sign visible to motorists.
13. Play area:
Cllr Graves and Cllr D Wilson (who has a grinder) will deal with moving of the “under 12” sign.  Groundsman is responsible for cutting back the hedge between the bowls club and footpath.  Clerk to write to Mr Peterken to say that we should be able to agree with him the siting off a tree and plaque in a month or so.
14. Contract for hedge work
P & P Tree Services have now signed the 3-year contract for cutting hedges (with the exception of the one mentioned in the previous Minute).
15. Assistance from RAF
See note in Public Forum at start of these Minutes.
16. Councillors reports
Cllr Daley asked if we would obtain safety cones and signage for safety reasons when litter picking on 60 mph roads.  Clerk to enquire of Jenny Bailey.  Cllr Bloomfield asked whether there should be signage for the CCTV and cameras (considering GDPR) – Clerk to check.
(signage now ordered £38.75).  Some potholes have been repaired – waiting for jet patching to be done outside the Tea Room (some patching has now been done).
17. Date of next meeting
Monday 10th June at 7 pm
The Chair closed the meeting at 8.53 pm
Receipt and Payments made in April 2024
8th     28.73 Old School Internet BT
8th     58.00 Water playing field Anglian Water
8th     19.97 Admin Adobe
4th     363.00 Planning fee NKDC
9th     202.49 Door repairs S Riley
9th    5.31 Electricity village green EDF
9th 414.72 Accounting system Scribe
9th     85.00 Hall hire Village Hall
9th     35.00 Water Office Anglian Water
10th 163.80 Mower Repairs P Collishaw Mowers
16th 19.28 Email database Mailchimp
15th 19.42 Email database Mailchimp
16th 8.00 Email archiving IONOS
6th     12.60 Email archiving IONOS
16th 16.60 Expenses Michael Cassidy
23rd 4.99 Electricity village green EDF
21st 85.97 Clerks expenses L Frances
23rd 805.00 Clerks salary L Frances
23rd 19.97 Admin Adobe
23rd 120.00 Door handle replacement OS BSecure
24th 360.00 Grounds Maintenance S Riley
24th 158.40 Playground inspection Wicksteed
26th 78.44 Fire extinguisher maintenance M-Fire
26th 39,592.00 Cabins purchase Cabin Depot
26th 64.27 Electricity OS Valda
24th 183.32 Electricity playing field Valda
8th 28,630.00 Precept NKDC
3rd 30.00 Fridge sold Cash
11th 4,216.81 VAT refund HMRC
19th 140.36 CIL levy NKDC
10th 163.80 Mower repairs P. Collishaw Mowers
23rd 85.97 Clerks expenses L Frances
23rd 120.00 New door handle at OS BSecure
26th 78.44 Fire extinguisher maintenance M-Fire
26th 39,592.00 New cabins Cabin Depot