Minutes 11.11.24


NOTES of the Ordinary meeting of Cranwell, Brauncewell and Byard's Leap Parish Council held at Cranwell Village Hall, Old School Lane, Cranwell Village, NG34 8DF on Monday 11th November 2024.


Present:                      Chair: 

Cllr D Graves


Cllrs. S Daley, G Fox, S Liivet, A Youle


D/C J Clarke and Ian Whitehead of the RAF.

   Also in attendance: 

2 members of the public and Lesley Frances (Clerk/RFO)


Public speaking:

A member of the public was handed the map of the drainage works LCC will be undertaking along College Road, in connection with flooding problems. 

D/C J Clarke had just come from a Devolution meeting at NKDC and confirmed that there would be a Mayor – NKs vote was 22 for, 5 against and 2 abstentions.  Parish and District Councils stay but the County Councils in Lincolnshire all merge and have a Mayor.  Elections for the Mayor are on 1st May 2025.   Democracy will still be paramount.

Parking on the grass verge on the “S” bends on College Road near the Willow Lane turn are very dangerous – suggestion that bollards or other means of stopping it were discussed and the Chair will talk to Graham Butler from Highways when he meets him.  RAF contractors are advised not to use village roads and we should report to Ian Whitehead if they do.

Ian Whitehead advised that RAF personnel are wearing Hi-Viz apparel in the dark and should have lights on bikes if cycling.  There was a good turn out for the Remembrance Day service.  The veterans Christmas lunch is on 10th December and if anyone eligible in the village would like to attend, they should contact the Chair of the PC – dgraves@cranwellpc.co.uk.

Cllr Liivet said that she is very impressed with the cabins and the Bowls Club representative said they were very grateful.

The Chair opened the PC meeting at 7.20 pm.


  1. To receive apologies for absence and reasons given i.a.w. Local Government Act 1972, Sch  12, para 40.

             Cllr J Bloomfield had given his apologies but subsequently resigned. 


  1. To receive declarations of interest and to consider applications in relation to Disclosable  Pecuniary Interests.

Disclosure of pecuniary and non-pecuniary interests is to be in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.  The need for disclosure is to be based upon agenda items, or at any suitable time during a meeting when it becomes apparent to a Member.  There were none.


  1. Notes of the ordinary meeting of Cranwell, Brauncewell and Byard's Leap Parish Council held on 14th October to be approved as Minutes.

RESOLVED to approve the Notes of the meeting of Cranwell, Brauncewell and Byard’s Leap

Parish Council, as Minutes. Approved unanimously.


             4.   Financial Matters:

  1. Approve the payments made since the last meeting.

   The Council RESOLVED to approve the payments made since the last meeting. Appendix A. - approved unanimously.  


  1. Approve the payment of invoices etc. as listed on the Payments to be Authorised sheet. The Council RESOLVED to approve the payments of invoices etc. as listed on the Payments to be Authorised sheet. Appendix B – approved unanimously.  


  1. Approve the bank reconciliation as at 31.10.24.

The Council RESOLVED to approve the bank reconciliation as at 31.10.24- approved unanimously.  


  1. Review the latest Summary of Reserves Balances

The Council RESOLVED to approve the reserves balances - approved unanimously. 


  1. Grant application

Councillors considered the grant application by the Bowls Club for a new mower.  It was agreed unanimously that they would be given £2,140.  It was explained to the Bowls Club representative in attendance that this would mean the Bowls Club would own the mower and be responsible for its maintenance and insurance.  This was new to the Club but they accepted the position.  The PC has agreed to donate the existing mower – Bowls Club to insure and advise when this has been done.

f.  Budget 2025-2026

A copy of the proposed budget (set by the Chair, Cllr Daley and the RFO) had been circulated prior to this meeting.  Discussion took place and it was agreed to accept the budget as slightly amended.  This will form the basis of our precept request in the sum of £60,000 (an increase of approximately 5%).

g. Thomas Dutton CCJ

Clerk had established that there are 8 other CCJs against T Dutton and discussion took place as to whether it was worth pursuing this matter.  It was resolved unanimously that we take no further action.

h.  New litter bin

The new dog bin is in place and NK will include in emptying routine.  Clerk advised of the issues with dog bins not being properly emptied by the NK crew and they are being sent back to empty them properly – hopefully this will deal with the regular overflowing of the bins.  Thanks to the member of public who filmed the bins still half full of poo bags.

i. Remembrance Sunday wreath

A wreath had been purchased from the RBL as agreed and the Chair attended the Remembrance Day service at the Church.

j.  Clerk appraisal and pay review

Clerk’s appraisal has taken place with the Chair and Cllr Daley.An increase was agreed from

SCP 19 £15.48 to SCP 20 £16.37 from and including November pay, and back pay for increase

in rate by NALC from April 2024 – total £288.30.


5.  Planning Applications

24/0970 – RAF – new fire doors – pending consideration.24/1089- RAF replacementradiators – pending consideration.24/1244 – Land to east of 48 Sleaford Road – tree works – no objections.


6. Cabin cladding

             This work is now complete and the grant monies have been received from NK.  It was

             resolved unanimously to agree the use of the remaining cladding to make a fence either side

             of the cabins and to clad the two entry doors, at a cost of £873.54 for fence posts and labour.    

             There is still some cladding left which could be used for making planters to go along the front

             of the cabin used by the CJFC.


              7. To receive a report on Road Safety matters

              The speed data had been circulated and this shows that there are a few thousand doing over  

              30 mph.  LCC has said no to speed bumps, chicanes, zebra crossings and all other means of

              slowing traffic down.  Their criteria relies on the number of deaths due to speeding accidents. 

              We are looking at the possibility of a SID at the camp side of the village and the Chair will

              discuss this when he meets with Highways.  We had looked at a SID near the school but as

              this would be under trees, it is unlikely a solar SID would work.  Clerk mentioned the Scrutiny

              Panel who were to look at all Highways roads and the potential of reducing village speeds to

              20 mph – again the Chair will mention this at his meeting with Highways.  Would there be a

              possibility of RAF Police joining the Speedwatch group on occasions?  Chair will also talk to

              Sgt Mumby-Croft to see if we could have the Police van with speed camera recorder in?


              8. Play area

               New swing seats have been installed – thanks to the Chair for doing this.  Sovereign will

               be doing the first of our safety inspection checks during week commencing 18th

               November.  The deteriorating blue plastic sleeves over the swing chains show that the

               chains are rusty.  Wait for annual inspection report to see what is suggested.


              9. Grass cutting contract

              The contractor will collect excess grass on the playing field next year, if required.  He has

              been asked to ensure they do not strim the bark on young trees – there is a possibility they

              died as they were not watered.   During the spring we should see whether the RAF will

              replace the dead young trees.


              10. Carols on the Green

              The tree lights will be turned on, on 1st December; Cllrs Daley and Liivet will put the lights and

              decorations on the tree on 17.11.24.     The music, carol sheets and gazebo will be provided

              by the PC and Mr and Mrs Batten, who will also provide the wine and mince pies.  This will

              take place on 14th December after the pantomime.


              11. Councillors Christmas dinner

              Wednesday 18th December at 7 pm – The Red Lion, Caythorpe.


              12. Remote meetings and proxy voting consultation

               Consultation had been circulated prior to this meeting and the responses were completed at

               the meeting.  Clerk to submit to Government.


               13. Areas of Responsibility

                Cllr Daley reported that there is water running into a drain near The Sidings and she has

                reported this to Anglian Water.  Also, she had put out a call on Facebook for litter pickers to

                help and the response was positive.





                Clerks updates

                It is thought Highways would not allow a bus shelter opposite the Costcutter store as there

                is very little room on the verge but Chair will discuss with Highways.  The CIL funds can be

                used for a new bus shelter but not for a new SID.  New councillors have been registered for

                an induction training course. As the Clerk will be on holiday from 10th March she asked that

                the March 2025 meeting be moved to 17th March – this was agreed and the VH are aware.


               14. Date of next meeting -  Monday 9th December at  7 pm. 


The Chair closed the meeting at 8.35 pm.






                                                           APPENDIX A

PAYMENTS MADE 1.10.24 TO 31.10.24








Email and archiving



S Riley

Grounds maintenance



Anglian Water/Wave

Playing field account



Anglian Water/Wave

Old School House account




OS internet



Steve Lawson

New valve on Water heater




Village green electricity



Kingfisher Direct

New litter bin



Red Lion

Deposit for Christmas dinner

(part Chairmans allowance)




Royal Br Legion




TWS Joinery

 Labour for cladding (2 weeks) and screws



Registry Trust Ltd

Copy CCJ information



L Frances

Clerks salary



L Frances

Clerks expenses




Adobe program




Additional corner trims



Wicksteed Leisure

Two new swing seats







TWS Joinery

Fascia boards on cladding



Tudor Maintenance

Grounds maintenance




OS internet




                                                                        APPENDIX B














Registry Trust Ltd


Copy CCJ information




L Frances

Clerks expenses




Additional corner trims
