Minutes 14.10.24
MINUTES of the Ordinary meeting of Cranwell, Brauncewell and Byard's Leap Parish Council held at Cranwell Village Hall, Old School Lane, Cranwell Village, NG34 8DF on Monday 14th October 2024.
Present: Chair: Cllr D Graves
Councillors: Cllrs. S Daley, G Fox, S Liivet, A Youle
C/C R Wright, D/C J Clarke and Ian Whitehead of the RAF.
Also in attendance: 6 members of the public and Lesley Frances (Clerk/RFO)
Public speaking:
A member of the public said he was disappointed in the upkeep of Cranwell Avenue – stone walls not repaired, and ivy being rife. Ian Whitehead said that budget restraints make it difficult to get certain things done but they are aware of the walls needing repair. They have to prioritise but he will report back.
C/C Wright said that the problems with overgrowth at North Road are in hand and he will keep on top of things. If the property owner does not finish the necessary works then LCC will do them and the property owner will be charged. Devolution will be signed off soon – committees will then be put together, with the Mayoral election taking place in May 2025 – he is unsure of what the Mayoral responsibilities will be. There are lots of road schemes in preparation for the winter months – the A15 at Leasingham is a priority as there have been 3 accidents recently and clearly the 50 mph limit is not working.
D/C Clarke said that it is the North Hykeham sports centre 50th anniversary soon. Ian Fytche has been NKDC’s Chief Executive for 20 years but is retiring in December when the new CE (from Rushcliffe) will start. With regard to flooding, the Chief Fire Officer said it was a freak storm that caused the flooding. NK has a weather site and terrorism site available. There are lots of scams going on including parking fines and change in living allowance.
Ian Whitehead said that all streetlights are now working. The work on the ginnels and bowls club will be discussed with the next couple of course attendees for community assistance, but it is likely to be January before they can assist.
A member of the public has cleared a ginnel in Thorold Avenue but the dustmen won’t empty the green bins. Chair will drop off some bags to 77 Thorold Avenue and then we can ask Jenny Bailey to collect them.
The RAF representative for the RAF Cranwell Youth Centre said that they are looking to interact with the village and have various ideas in hand. It was agreed they could put drawings etc in the bus shelters but they must be removed after one month.
The Chair opened the PC meeting at 7.20 pm.
1. To receive apologies for absence and reasons given i.a.w. Local Government Act 1972, Sch 12, para 40.
Cllr J Bloomfield – Councillors accepted the reason given.
2. To receive declarations of interest and to consider applications in relation to Disclosable Pecuniary Interests.
Disclosure of pecuniary and non-pecuniary interests is to be in accordance with the Localism Act 2011. The need for disclosure is to be based upon agenda items, or at any suitable time during a meeting when it becomes apparent to a Member. There were none.
3. Notes of the ordinary meeting of Cranwell, Brauncewell and Byard's Leap Parish Council held on Monday 9th September to be approved as Minutes.
RESOLVED to approve the Notes of the meetings of Cranwell, Brauncewell and Byard’s Leap
Parish Council, as Minutes. Approved unanimously.
4. Co-option of Gerladine Fox
It was unanimously agreed that Gerladine Fox be co-opted and she joined the Parish Councillors. She signed her Declaration of Acceptance of Office and handed the Clerk her completed DPI form.
5. Flooding update
An email from the LCC Flooding Officer had been circulated. A member of the public asked if we could get a diagram of the December works proposed by LCC.
6. Financial Matters:
a. Approve the payments made since the last meeting.
The Council RESOLVED to approve the payments made since the last meeting. Appendix A. - approved unanimously.
b. Approve the payment of invoices etc. as listed on the Payments to be Authorised sheet. The Council RESOLVED to approve the payments of invoices etc. as listed on the Payments to be Authorised sheet. Appendix B – approved unanimously.
c. Approve the bank reconciliation as at 30.9.24.
The Council RESOLVED to approve the bank reconciliation as at 30.9.24- approved unanimously.
d. Review the latest Summary of Reserves Balances
The Council RESOLVED to approve the reserves balances - approved unanimously.
e. Thomas Dutton electrician
Clerk waiting to hear from the Court for Directions – will chase.
f. New litter bin
It was agreed that we should purchase a free standing Topsy 2000 at £138 to be delivered to Cllr Graves home address.
g. Storage box for Groundsman
This has now been collected and put in place. Thanks to Cllr Liivet for supplying this.
h. Remembrance Sunday wreath
Agreed to donate £50 to the Royal British Legion for a wreath – to be delivered to Cllr Graves home address.
i. CIL receipt
We have received £5,880.54 from NKDC by way of a CIL payment relating to the Manor Farm development. Clerk explained that this money has to be used for community projects.
j. LALCs Terms of Reference
Clerk had circulated the ToR for the internal audit and it was unanimously agreed that they be signed.
7. Budget meeting
It was agreed that the Chair, Clerk/RFO and Cllr Daley will consider the budgets prior to them being put to full Council at the November meeting, in readiness for the precept application in December/January. Time to be agreed but to take place on 21.10.24.
8. Planning Applications
24/0970 – RAF new fire doors – pending consideration. 24/1089 – RAF replacement radiators – pending consideration. Clerk gave an update on the NPPF reform set by this Government, having attended a short course on the subject.
9. The Old School –
First edition of the YourLocalCouncil magazine with our advert In has been circulated. One or two enquiries but nothing booked as yet.
10. Cabins
Cabin Depot have attended and carried out the necessary repairs. Cladding is being put on
currently. Chair explained that there have had to be 4mm gaps in the setting of the cladding
to allow for expansion and retraction during the different seasons. We can decide on painting
the doors and windows at a later date.
11. Bowls Club Groundworks
A new mower will cost around £1,783 net and will form part of the budget discussions.
12. Highways
Streetlights have been repaired and skid signs removed. Cllr Liivet will remove the broken
bollard on the verge opposite the Premier store. Clerk now has the litter pick equipment.
13. To receive a report on Road Safety matters
The data has not been downloaded from the SIDs this month but will be available at our
November meeting. There will be a CSW meeting at 6 pm on 17th October at The Old
14. Play area
Clerk had two quotes for new swing seats – Wicksteed £129.50 and Playground Parts
£123.00. Resolved to go with the Wicksteed quote.
15. Grass cutting contract
Agreed that this has been an unusual year weatherwise which has caused the problems of
long grass being left on the playing field. Ask contractor if he can collect grass when in
clumps or do extra cuts – if extra cuts, what cost? Clerk to meet with contractor and show
him damaged young trees and ask that they only strim up to the plastic and they will replace
damaged trees.
16. Carols on the Green
Will take place on 14th December after the pantomime. Music system will be supplied by PC
and there will be mulled wine and mince pies. Chair to liaise with Church.
17. Christmas dinner
Clerk advised that the PC offers a Christmas get together for Councillors, Clerk and partners.
Partners have to pay for themselves; Chair has offered to put in his Allowance towards the
cost of the Councillors/Clerk dinners. Preferred restaurant is The Red Lion, Caythorpe on a
Wednesday or Thursday evening. Clerk to pursue.
18. Areas of Responsibility
Chair had circulated an updated Areas of Responsibility note. After some slight
amendments it was agreed. Cllr Youle will take on the monthly play area inspections.
A resident on North Road had asked if they could put a gate in the fence adjacent to the car
park at the top of Old School Lane, near the bottle banks. This was to get wheelchair
access to the top of Old School Lane without having to go all the way round and up the hill.
They will install the gate and it will be kept locked. It was agreed this could be done, at their
19. Councillors reports
Clerk to check whether the CIL monies can be used for a new SID and/or bus shelter. Chair
will contact LCC Highways to arrange a site meeting near the Costcutter Store to discuss
the possibility of siting a bus shelter opposite there, and also a SID where the unrestricted
area ends and goes into 30 mph.
Clerk asked if new Councillors would like to attend the New Councillors Training Course at
LALC and they said they would. Clerk to check dates etc.
20. Date of next meeting Monday 11th November at 7 pm.
The Chair closed the meeting at 8.20 pm.
Payments made since 30.8.24
2.9.24 Steve Riley Grounds Maintenance 455.33
4.9.24 Gallagher Insurance Annual insurance 4268.12
4.9.24 Andrew Deptford Defib pads 206.40
9.9.24 IONOS Email system 26.40
9.9.24 Steve Lawson Plumbing Water heater installation 80.00
11.9.24 EDF Energy Village Green electricity 8.14
16.9.24 Wave OSH water 35.00
16.9.24 Wave Playing field water 20.00
16.9.24 BT OSH internet 32.05
18.9.24 PKF Littlejohn External audit fee 504.00
18.9.24 Direct PC Supplies Laptop/printer repair 40.00
23.9.24 Hawkesworth Appliance test 84.00
24.9.24 Adobe Adobe Pro 19.97
24.9.24 Jamie McMillan OSH window clean 15.00
30.9.24 L Frances Clerks salary 805.00
30.9.24 L Frances Clerks expenses 37.60
30.9.24 HMRC Tax 706.55
30.9.24 Valda energy Electricity OSH & field 94.67
30.9.24 Tudor Grounds Maintenance Grounds Maintenance 465.60
Receipts since last meeting
29.8.24 PSS Old School Hire 50.00
3.9.24 Cranwell Bowling Club Electric & water 30.42
16.9.24 CJFC Electric & water 6.77
9.9,24 Lloyds bank Interest 18.57
18.9.24 NKDC Litter picking grant 579.39
27.9.24 NKDC Precept 28,629.00
30.9.24 CJFC Electric & water 13.83
Payments awaiting authorisation at September 2024
4.9.24 A Deptford Replacement defib pads 206.40
9.9.24 Steve Lawson Plumbing Water heater installation OSH 80.00
18.9.24 Direct PC Supplies Laptop/printer connection repair 40.00
30.9.24 Lesley Frances Clerks expenses 37.60
24.9.24 Jamie McMillan Window Clean OSH 15.00
24.9.24 Fineturf Bowls Green treatment 5,478.00