April 2021 Minutes

Cranwell, Brauncewell and Byard’s Leap Parish Council

Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Cranwell, Brauncewell & Byard's Leap Parish Council held remotely via Zoom, on Tuesday 27 April 2021.

Participating:     Chairman:          Cllr Mr M A Cassidy

Councillors:       Cllr Mrs C Batten, Cllr Mr T R Batten, Cllr M Bayly, Cllr Mrs M Cassidy,

, Cllr Mrs H J Morris and  Cllr Mr M Pears

              Mr Eddie Findlay, Clerk to the Parish Council

There were 2 members of the public, remotely in attendance.

The Chairman made the following statement with regard to the cancellation of the previously planned meeting.  The meeting was postponed following the death of the Prince Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh.  Condolences had been conveyed to Her Majesty The Queen.

The two MOPs raised the issue of motorbikes and anti-social behaviour in and around the Social Club car park and tennis courts.  It was requested that Warden and Security Service call by in the near future.

Following the resolution of the Clerk’s internet issues the Chairman declared the meeting open at 7:20 pm.

1.To receive apologies for absence and reasons given i.a.w. Local Government Act 1972, Sch 12, para 40.

Cllr Riley and Cllr Chapman’s absences were noted.

2. To receive declarations of interest and to consider applications in relation to Disclosable Pecuniary Interests.

Disclosure of pecuniary and non-pecuniary interests is to be in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.  The need for disclosure is to be based upon agenda items, or at any suitable time during a meeting when it becomes apparent to a Member.

None declared at this time.

3. Notes of the extra-ordinary meeting of the Parish Council held remotely on Monday 29 March 2021 to be approved as Minutes.

Action:  The Council RESOLVED to approve the notes of the extra-ordinary meeting of the Parish Council held remotely on Monday 29 March 2021 as Minutes.

Proposed by Cllr Mr T Batten, seconded by Cllr Bayly and approved unanimously.

4. Financial Matters

a. Approve the payments made since the last meeting.

The Linc Group (Social Club Roof deposit)                       EB-0665                 £ 19,200.00

Smart Group SID Signs   Inv 20219                                     EB-0666                 £   3,687.60

PAYE/Salary/Expenses Mth12     EB-0667, EB-0668 & EB-0669                    £       844.03

Warden and Security Services (Inv-060)          EB-0670                                   £     132.00

John Scotney Inv x 4 (3763-3764-3765-3766)       EB-0671                            £      762.00

Streetwise Environmental Inv 51170              EB-0672                                    £      468.19

aadefib.com Inv 12961                             EB-0673                                             £      102.00

Anglian Water (Acct *****5216 - Old School)         DD                                     £        32.00

BT Business Payment Services Ltd                          DD                                     £        70.56

                                           Total:                                                                          £   25,298.38

Action:  The Council RESOLVED to approve the payments made since the last meeting.

Proposed by Cllr Mr T Batten, seconded by Cllr Pears and approved unanimously.

b. Approve the payment of invoices etc. as listed on the Payments to be Authorised sheet.

Action:  Due to IT issues, this matter was unable to be resolved.

Payments moved to the next meeting.

c. Approve the bank reconciliation from the previous month.

Action:  Due to IT issues, this matter was unable to be resolved.  Bank reconciliation moved to the next meeting.

d. Audit – confirm acknowledgement of Section 1, the Annual Governance Statements in relation to the Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2020/21 Part 3, page 4 only.

Action:  Due to IT issues, this matter was unable to be resolved.

Section 1, the Annual Governance Statements in relation to the Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2020/21 moved to the next meeting.

5. Receive a report from the Clerk on matters pertaining to the Parish Council.

a. The four posts and brackets for the mounting of the Speed Indicator Devices had been received.  No forecast as yet on the delivery of the actual units.

b. SSE again contacted and still awaiting a confirmation of when the meter will be installed.

c. The Statement of Persons nominated for forthcoming 6 May 2021 elections for both Lincolnshire County Council and the Lincolnshire Police Area Police and Crime Commissioner were displayed in the noticeboard.

d.. The Clerk had contacted the noticeboard refurbishment contractor requesting an update on when the work will be carried out.

e. The Clerk had contacted the Village Cross repair contractor requesting an update on when the work will be carried out.

f. The Clerk had received comms regarding a possible donation towards the costs of the new Pavilion.  The donation would be conditional on more precise details on the proposed facilities against what was in the public consultation being made known and what the overall cost for the entire project will be.  Also, would the plans be made available for the public to comment before being submitted to NKDC for planning approval?  A variable, five figure sum, could potentially be received.  The possible donation, and conditions, were discussed by Council and it was agreed that the public would be consulted before the build starts.

6. Planning Applications.

21/0361/LBC – Proposed roof repair works to blocks C, D, E and F of Building 279 (York House) - York House RAFC Cranwell, Cranwell, Lincolnshire, NG34 8HH.

Action:  The Council RESOLVED to submit no objections to the application.

Proposed by Cllr Bayly, seconded by Cllr Mrs C Batten and approved unanimously.

7. Receive reports from Councillors on their Areas of Responsibility.

a. Cllr Bayly had requested land ownership details/maps from LCC, NKDC, Beeswax-Dyson Farming and Irelands Farming.

b. Cllr Pears reported that following the hedge removal from a property boundary on the corner of St. Benedict’s Close, it was discovered that the posts holding the street name sign had rotted through at the bottom and needed replacing.  The Clerk would contact NKDC Street Scene Manager.

8. Review and amend the Councillors Areas of Responsibility list.

Action:  The Council RESOLVED to approved the amended Areas of Responsibility list.

Proposed by Cllr Mr T Batten, seconded by Cllr Pears and approved unanimously.

9. New Pavilion.

a. Consider approval of the Plan produced by the architect for the Community Pavilion.

Action:  The Council RESOLVED to approve, the proposed architects plan, in principle.  The position of the ramp was considered and would be suggested to the architect to move it to nearer the car park.

Proposed by Cllr Bayly, seconded by Cllr Mr T Batten and approved by a vote of 5 for and

2 abstentions.

b. Update on progress and report on site meeting on 6 April 2021.

The main progress was receipt of the plan, as approved above.

10. Community Speed Watch.

a. Consider the exact locations for the purchased posts for the new post mounted Speed Indicator Devices.

Following a site meeting 4 locations were proposed.

Action:  The Council RESOLVED to approve the suggested locations.

Proposed by Cllr Pears, seconded by Cllr Bayly and approved unanimously.

b. Consider the additional passive 30mph signage and their potential locations.

6 free passive signs were available through the community Speed Watch initiative.

Action:  The Council RESOLVED to approve the suggested locations.

Proposed by Cllr Pears, seconded by Cllr Bayly and approved unanimously.

11. Consider the confidentiality of email communications between Councillors.

Action:  The Council RESOLVED to defer the meeting until the next meeting to allow for further investigation.

Proposed by Cllr Mr T Batten, seconded by Cllr Bayly and approved by a vote of 6 for and

1 abstention.

12. Consider a proposal to establish a Parish Database of email addresses to enable regular contact with the public.

Cllr Pears gave details on the Whissendine email group which allowed for the rapid distribution of information to residents.

Cllr Pears and the Clerk would investigate further.

Action:  The Council RESOLVED to defer the meeting until the next meeting to allow for further investigation.

Proposed by Cllr Mr T Batten, seconded by Cllr Bayly and approved by a vote of 6 for and

1 abstention.

13. Consider the request from Charlie Bobanelli's Wood Fired Pizza trailer, to set up in either the Village Hall or Social Club car park, to offer the residents a service that they may not already have.

Action:  The Council RESOLVED to approve the request, giving a 3 month trial period so they can assess if there is any increase in litter, food waste and vermin.  The vendor was to be reminded that the Parish Council had recently paid a significant amount of money having both car parks re-surfaced so any damage will be easily noticed.

Proposed by Cllr Bayly, seconded by Cllr Mr T Batten and approved by a vote of 6 for and

1 abstention.

14. Confirm the date of the next meeting.

Local Councils were still awaiting the outcome of the High Court ruling on the continuation of remote meetings being allowed.  Meeting time, date and location still to be confirmed.

* Post meeting note.  The High Court ruled for the cessation of remote meeting for local Councils, with effect from 11:59pm on 6 May 2021.

The next meeting was therefore confirmed as face to face meeting, at Cranwell Village Hall, on Monday 17 May 2021, starting at 7:00pm.