May 2019 Minutes Annual Parish Council Meeting
Minutes of the Annual Meeting Cranwell, Brauncewell and Byard's Leap Parish Council held at Cranwell Village Hall, Old School Lane, Cranwell, on Monday 13 May 2019.
Present: Chairman: Mrs H J Morris Councillors: Mr M A Cassidy, Mrs Z Cox, Mrs C Harper and Mrs A B Tyler
In attendance: Mr Eddie Findlay, Clerk to the Parish Council
Also in attendance: D/Cllr J Clarke and D/Cllr S Clegg
5 member of the public were in attendance.
At 7:00 pm everybody was welcomed to the meeting and the members of the public were invited to address the meeting.
Public speaking: One member of the public introduced herself as a Candidate for the forthcoming European Elections.
Cty Cllr Storer: Was again not present and no report had been submitted.
D/Cllr Clarke: Introduced himself to the members of the public and Councillors, saying he was honoured to have been elected to represent the parish.
D/Cllr Clegg: Thanked everybody for their support in re-electing him. He too was looking forward to working with D/Cllr Clarke for the good of the community. He was asked to pursue the removal of the abandoned vehicle on De Gravel Drive. It was no longer taxed and not declared as SORN.
The Chairman declared the meeting open at 7:10 pm.
1.Election of Chairperson – signing Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
Cllr Tyler nominated Cllr Morris to act as Chair for Cranwell, Brauncewell and Byard's Leap Parish Council for the coming year, seconded by Cllr Harper.
There were no other nominations and Cllr Morris was willing to undertake the role.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to unanimously approve Cllr Morris to act as Chairman for the coming year. Cllr Morris took the Chair and thanked everyone for their support and completed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office of Chairman.
2.To receive apologies for absence and reasons given i.a.w. Local Government Act 1972, Sch 12, para 40.
All Councillors were present.
3.To receive declarations of interest and to consider dispensation applications in relation to Disclosable Pecuniary Interests.
Disclosure of pecuniary and non-pecuniary interests is to be in accordance with the Localism Act 2011. The need for disclosure is to be based upon agenda items, or at any suitable time during a meeting when it becomes apparent to a Member.
Cllr Cassidy declared an interest in minute ref: 61.b. page 26-2019-AMPC as he is a payment recipient.
4.Election of a Vice-Chairperson.
There were no nominations, and no one was willing to act as Vice-Chairman.
5. Adoption of Documents:
Standing Orders, Financial Regulations, Code of Conduct, the Annual Investment Strategy, Risk Assessment, Complaints Procedure, Grievance Procedure, Discipline Procedure, Communication Policy, Social Media Policy, Grant Awarding Policy, Bullying and Harassment Policy and the FOI Publication Scheme.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve Proposed by Cllr Tyler, seconded by Cllr Cox and approved unanimously.
6.Any other annual business as set out in Standing Orders – ie – Areas of Responsibility, re-appointing Committees, appointing representatives to other bodies such as the Village Hall, Bowling Club, Social Club, Cranwell Sports Pavilion Fund etc.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the amended Areas of Responsibility including reappointing Committees, appointing representatives to other bodies such as the Village Hall, Bowling Club, Social Club, Cranwell Sports Pavilion Fund etc.
Proposed by Cllr Cox, seconded by Cllr Harper and approved unanimously.
7. Notes of the ordinary meeting of the Parish Council held at Cranwell Village Hall on Monday 8 April 2019 to be approved as Minutes.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the notes of the ordinary meeting of Cranwell, Brauncewell and Byard's Leap Parish Council, held at Cranwell Village Hall on Monday 8 April 2019 as Minutes.
Proposed by Cllr Harper, seconded by Cllr Cox and approved unanimously.
The Chairman signed the Minutes.
8.Financial Matters.
a. Receive a report on payments made between meetings.
Clerk salary, HMRC (PAYE/NI) and expenses EB-0443/44/45 £ 692.16
The Utility Warehouse (Old School electric) EB-0446 £ 341.42
NKDC Garden Waste Scheme BACS DD £ 30.00
Totals £ 1,063.58
Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the payments made since the last meeting.
Proposed by Cllr Tyler, seconded by Cllr Cox and approved unanimously.
b. Approve the payment of invoices etc. as listed on the Payments to be Authorised sheet.
Warden and Security Services (Inv-036) EB-0447 £ 132.00
Rick Webster Grounds Maintenance Ltd (inv x2) EB-0448 £ 1,320.96
John Scotney Turf Management (Inv x 3) EB-0449 £ 113.13
Cranwell VHMC (Fire extinguisher checks) EB-0450 £ 36.53
LIVES (Grant) EB-0451 £ 500.00
Wicksteed (inv 805916) EB-0452 £ 54.00
PCC Cranwell (Grant) Chq. 1873 £ 150.00
Cllr M A Cassidy (mileage) Chq. 1874 £ 30.15
Anglian Water (Acct **7216 – Playing Field) DD £ 47.00
Anglian Water (Acct **5216 - Old School) DD £ 24.50
BT Business Broadband DD £ 65.04
Totals £ 2,473.31
Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the payments listed above.
Proposed by Cllr Tyler, seconded by Cllr Harper and approved by a vote of 4 for and 1 abstention.
c. Approve the bank reconciliation from the month.
The Clerk reported that he had set up 4 x Fixed Term deposits.
3 months @ 0.70% for £15,000.00, giving a return of £26.18
6 months @ 0.75% for £17,500.00, giving a return of £65.80
9 months @ 0.75% for £17,500.00, giving a return of £105.10
327 days @ 1.01% for £50,000.00, giving a return of £450.51 = £647.59
Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the bank reconciliation for April 2019.
Proposed by Cllr Tyler, seconded by Cllr Cox and approved unanimously.
d. Consider the quote to replace the flooring in the Gents toilet.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the presented quote from Kevin Skeith of £749.00 (+VAT @ £149.80.
Proposed by Cllr Harper, seconded by Cllr Tyler and approved unanimously.
e. Consider the quotes for a new defibrillator at Byard’s Leap Lodge.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the presented quote from for a Stainless Steel Model 1000 Outdoor, Locked, Heated Cabinet with Physio-Control LifePak CR Plus Defibrillator, with children’s pack at a cost of £1,465.00 (+VAT @ £293.00), with an additional £100.00 for installation.
Proposed by Cllr Morris, seconded by Cllr Harper and approved unanimously.
f. Consider the quotes for cleaning the Village Hall/Social Club fascia’s and gutters.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the presented quote from GutterPro at a cost of £250.00. Proposed by Cllr Harper, seconded by Cllr Cox and approved unanimously.
g. Consider the Clerk’s attendance at on the SLCC Regional Training Seminar 17 July 2019.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the Clerk attending the SLCC Regional Training Seminar 17 July 2019 in Lincoln at a cost of £80.00 (+VAT).
Proposed by Cllr Morris, seconded by Cllr Tyler approved unanimously.
h. Audit – Review of the draft figures of Section 2 of the Accounting Statements 2018/19 for the Annual Return for Year Ended 31 March 2019.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the figures at Section 2 of the Accounting Statements 2018/19 ready to be presented for Internal and External Audit.
Proposed by Cllr Harper, seconded by Cllr Cassidy and approved unanimously.
9. Planning Applications.
a. 19/0330/FUL – Erection of Sir Trenchard Statue – RAF College Cranwell, Cranwell Avenue Cranwell Sleaford Lincolnshire NG34 8GR. Approved by NKDC 1 May 2019.
b. 19/0331/LBC – Erection of Sir Trenchard Statue – RAF College Cranwell, Cranwell Avenue Cranwell Sleaford Lincolnshire NG34 8GR. Approved by NKDC 1 May 2019.
c. 19/0447/OUT – Outline application for erection of a dwelling with access to be considered. - Land Off Sleaford Road, Cranwell Lincolnshire NG34 8BU.
10.Receive reports from the Clerk in relation to Council matters.
• Notice of the European Elections had been received and were displayed in the Notice Board.
• DGM Grounds and Forest had informed the Council that they had now ceased trading. The Clerk had contacted the recommended individual but was still waiting to hear back as to whether they wished to undertake the remaining contract.
11. Receive reports from Councillor’s relating to responsibilities and outstanding tasks.
No resolutions may be passed under this item but requests for matters to be placed on the next agenda can be made.
Cllr Morris - Bowling Club had formed a new Committee, with Maria Robinson becoming both President and Treasurer. A Grounds man was required with any interested parties being eligible for greenkeeper training. The Committee will be re-decorating and organising the Porta Cabin as it has got damp over the Winter period. The entrance gates were in need of replacement (rusted through/unsafe). The Parish Council would consider buying new posts and gates to be installed at the earliest convenience on the strength of safety and security for equipment. Quotes will be sought and presented at the next meeting.
Cllr Morris also suggested drawing up a ‘call out’ list of ‘approved tradesmen, who could be contacted din the event of an emergency.
Cllr Cassidy had submitted a written report and asked for prices to be presented at the next meeting for replacement basketball nets and backing.
12.General Correspondence.
13.Consider the responses to the Village Hall/Social Club lease query with regard to the small boiler in the toilets.
The Clerk had circulated responses from both the Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils and the Society of Local Council Clerks, who both understood the lease to indicate that the Parish Council were responsible for the replacement of the small boiler.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to acknowledge the boiler replacement was the responsibility of Cranwell, Brauncewell and Byard's Leap Parish Council.
Proposed by Cllr Cassidy, seconded by Cllr Cox and approved unanimously.
14. Meeting dates. a. Confirm the date, and location, of the next meetings.
The next meeting will be the held in the Village Hall, on Monday 10 June 2019.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 8:35 pm.